The Apocalypse

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This is going to be long. Also, here's a nice image from BNHA itself to make you bkdk shippers feel good.

 Also, here's a nice image from BNHA itself to make you bkdk shippers feel good

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Izuku is BLUSHING!!! Ok, it isn't what it seems but shuddup!

Zombie Apocalypse
No quirks
Slight gore
Some angst
More fluff!

And then Deku dieds because Bakugo smashed his face to the ground and the zombies ate Bakugo up ;) :0 HOW COULD YOU MEENU HOW COULD YOU
~My sister, 2020

[No one's POV]

No one was around.

It was just Tenya and Izuku walking around the completely deserted ruins, crumbling and decaying rock all around them. It looked like a war zone, and it was, just with no people. How did everything collapse? The zombies turned out to have highly corrosive, deteriorating saliva that, when rubs against any material or human flesh, burns it away in seconds. All analysis' from Izuku himself.

There was dust everywhere, thick plumes swirling around them. Blood was smeared across their faces, a part of Tenya's shirt ripped off from it getting stuck onto a stray piece of wire, Izuku's sweat pants covered in a layer of dirt from sliding on the ground, small tears in them. Tenya leads at the front, guiding the pair through the rubble, a small sledge hammer slung over his back, Izuku following close behind, hands clutching a metal baseball bat, trembling slightly, knuckles a pallid white. It was all they had access to in order to defend themselves. The lucky ones had access to the crossbows and shotguns.

Izuku's vision was slightly blurred with tears, yet somehow standing, which was what made him so brave. But, he was still living in the moment that a high school kid like him had to experience an apocalypse first-hand. His heart was racing, and he was definitely on high alert. At any moment, a zombie could pop out of nowhere, so he had to be ready. He peered behind him once again, covering the back for Tenya, and was met with even more desolation.

He wanted to believe that they were safe but it was too risky to chance it.

Despite the dire and frightening situation, there was some sort of thrill to this. Many times had the two and their class had discussed about what they would do if an apocalypse broke out. Kaminari was the first to respond, saying he would run to the forest for concealment and cover. Sero was second, stating that he would grab ammunition and start shooting. Kirishima agreed with both. Of course, the three would've had some idea on what to do if there was a zombie apocalypse, thanks to their excessive late-night binging of horror movies, but by the looks of things, they may actually be...

Izuku snaps out of his thinking, refusing to go down such thoughts. Though the circumstances were bad, and he was a very emotional person, he had to have some stability with his feelings if he really wants to see this through and stay alive. No one knew how the outbreak even started, but after the class had been dismissed, a huge mass of zombies were lumbering towards them. Naturally, everyone freaked out, some running straight to the weaponry, others fleeing for cover. But some people who got their hands on grenades threw them around randomly, in a panicking frenzy, causing buildings to collapse. It could cost thousands to restore- that is, if enough people survive in order for them to go to school.

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