Final Moments

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Trust me, there won't be angst in this!

No Quirks
Mild Angst
Mild Sexual References

[No one's POV]

"You know we're going to die soon, right Kiri?" Kaminari asks.

"Yup!" Kirishima replies with enthusiasm, popping out the P.

"You do know that we should be doing better things instead of just being with each other, right?" Kaminari enquires with slight uncertainty.

"I know!" Kirishima replies, the certainty in his voice hitting Kaminari straight to his heart.

"You know that w-"

"Just shut up!" he ends up snapping, ceasing all of Kaminari's questions.

They stay in a slightly awkward silence, their hands intertwined as they sit on the edge of the cliff face, looking out at the colourful city of Musutafu below. It was just after dusk, the final embers of the setting sun dousing out one by one. A tiny silhouette, faintly seen in the dimming sky, cuts through the air, its arrow-like shape getting more defined with each passing minute.

"I want to spend my last moments with you, Kami," he continues fondly, his fingers curling further into the smaller hand. Kaminari has no choice but to return the action. "I've given my family my entire life, but I've only given you a mere three months. Another eighteen if you count the platonic ones!"

Kaminari snickers. "You actually kept count?" Kirishima laughs as well.

"I'm just saying, if I can't get you a wedding ring, or even..."

He gives a pause, raising his eyebrows suggestively to give Kaminari a hint. He'd eventually caught on, his cheeks turning rosy as he lands a playful punch on Kirishima's shoulder.

"Then me spending my last ever moments with you is the only way I can ever imagine repaying you!"

His grin widens when Kaminari cuddles into him affectionately, their warmth being enough to fend off the late autumn chill. They were looking forward to Christmas that year - the gifts they had planned to get to each other were limited to their finite cash supply, which could only allow them to buy a lollypop and some mini cereal.

"What makes you think you'd top me anyways!" Kaminari coyly remarks, Kirishima making a sound of offense. "To me, you'd totally be a submissive!"

"Says the boy who before swimming class, might I add, had showcased his dild-"

"I can power bottom, dumbass!" Kaminari proclaims, folding his arms and pointing his chin to the heavens. Kirishima, with his tank body, shoulders Kaminari roughly, his arms instinctively flinging out to stop the blonde from coming face-first with the streets fifty feet below.

"Is there really anything else we can talk about before we die?!" Kirishima exclaims, cackling at the somewhat amusing topic. Surely their final moments shouldn't be them seeming to be fantasising horny teenagers.

"How about my undying love for you!" Kaminari coos in an attempted husky voice. It only seems to make Kirishima laugh.

"Sorry, what happened to doing better things!" he manages to splutter out.

Kaminari hums. "I guess you've convinced me otherwise."

And Kirishima's head drops onto Kaminari's shoulder. "Then in which case, I love you just as much!"

"And I don't love you at all!"

Kirishima's jaw unhinges. He knew it was an outright lie but hearing such strange words falling from Kaminari's lips was... shocking, to say the least. "You take that back!"

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