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This was obviously meant to happen...

The Trojan War

The Song Of Achilles...

[No one's POV]

"Nothings ever happening!" Kirishima shouts whilst slamming his fists on the table, in the process knocking his cup of wine over. There were hosing a council, one where all the kings and generals had to come over to discuss the plan. Squires were not allowed to these meetings, so Bakugo had reluctantly come alone. "All we ever do is burn crops and steal cattle and beat up innocent farmers and capture their daughters! None of the damn soldiers are coming out!"

"Kirishima, it is all we can do," Iida says, a solemn look on his face. As a man of strategy and of a noble background, he obtains enough wisdom to know that provoking Shigaraki to bring his soldiers out was the only way. "We're smart enough to know the walls of Troy are near impossible to scale. The best we can do now is keep raiding and seizing prizes until the Trojans are forced to attack."

Disease was sure to kill them, if they did not. Their food was finite, and they'd surely starve as well. Then, when one falls, they'll all start dropping like flies.

Kirishima still doesn't seem to agree.

"But we're hardly posing a threat! I bet the Trojans have plentiful resources behind those walls! And it's literally just the kings and generals and best soldiers fighting! Besides, our winnings are decreasing each day, and all we ever get are wooden farming tools and women!"

"Well, Bakugo's the one who takes all of them," Mineta mutters under his breath, casting a seething glare at Aristos Acheion. Bakugo blushed in shame at the glare, despite no one paying attention to what the immature prince had said, because no one knew that he'd kept the women in a tent for sanctuary, as his squire had so kind-heartedly suggested. Well, no one except his men of Phthia.

As for Bakugo's reputation thus far, he was being renowned for voluntarily claiming sixteen women as a prize, which wasn't what he didn't want to be remembered as when he goes down in history.

"Kirishima," Todoroki casts a glance to the redhead, the scar surrounding his eye having healed thanks to the ointment Midoriya had made, as he'd learnt from the teachings of Toshinori on Pelion. He was the one who'd called war in the first place, willing to do whatever it took to get his wife back. "As much as I hate to see nothing happen, we have to wait a bit longer. The men will have their share of glory but, for now, we can only wait for Troy to make a move on us."

Kirishima grinds his teeth, his fists clenched white.

"Oh for the love of Gods, can't you see how long we've been raiding for?! I'm tired of fucking loitering!"

"Kirishima!" Aizawa cuts in, being the eldest and wisest on the table, "Watch your mouth."

"Well I can say whatever the fuck I want! What the point of having a fucking army if all we're planning to do is raid! We-"


There was a deaf silence now. Aizawa had slammed his fists on the table, a rare gesture that he only showed when he was angry. But within that deaf silence, Bakugo speaks.

"Generals and Kings, pardon me if I interrupt, but might I suggest an idea?"

The members of the council look to one another, this being the first time Aristos Acheion has spoken. Eventually they settle to an agreement, and Iida answers.

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