A Strange Dream

200 9 3


So I'm 16

I'm not writing angst

Wait for the next bkdk one-shot

Pro Heroes


[No one's POV]

It was a hazy morning, the ghost of the warm sun from the window kissing Katsuki's skin. He groans at the bright light filtering between the curtains, and blindly flips himself around, pressing against his pillow.

Or husband.

God, he was warm. And comforting, with the scent of nostalgia against his clothes. Katsuki loved reminding himself of the biggest blessing of all, and that being the man in front of him, with firm muscles and starry freckles, stupid green eyes that sparkle in wonder and that beautiful, kind heart that beats with more purpose than any other extras out there. Katsuki's own purpose was mostly to stay by the side of this man that he devoted, for all of his perfections and flaws. And, tied with his own thoughts, he presses further towards him, his head digging into his head of curls and relishing the tired mumble as he snakes his arms around the curve of his midriff and right over his...

Why is there a bump?

Katsuki felt it once. Then twice.

What the fu-

He felt a kick.


And, hence, Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight was on the floor.

"Kacchan?" Izuku mumbles through his sleep.

"Deku?" Katsuki asks back.

"Wha's wrong?"

Izuku had then shuffled towards the edge of the bed, looking down at the blonde who was currently laying flat against brown oak. The light behind his head lit up like a halo, and God did he look like an angel.

"N-Nothing," he murmurs back, using his arms as support whilst he gets back to his feet, stretching a little and relishing each of his bones cracking away the tension from the night. It was probably just a figment of his imagination. Or a pillow, perhaps. Not at all a baby bu-

Never mind.

Izuku had shuffled up slightly, his night shirt only riding up slightly as his right hand reaches up to wipe the sleep from his eyes. The other, in an almost protective manor, holds the prominent bump of his stomach. The child must be at least six months in, the swell protruding to at least another four inches from where his abdomen would normally be.

Katsuki's jaw dropped to the floor.

"Y'okay, Kacchan?" Izuku mumbles again, and the sleepiness in his voice was... bloody adorable!

"D-Deku are you..."

He couldn't believe the words coming out.

"Are you pr... pregnant?"

Izuku blinks a few times. His face was like stone, or marble chiselled into an expression Katsuki deemed as emotionless.

Before he cackles in laughter.

"W-We've been married... f-for like... t-TWO YEARS! H-h-HOW h-ave you..!"

He tries controlling his breathing, and Katsuki's concern peaks when he sees him wince in pain.

"Do you not remember what happened like... six months ago?"

Had time really passed that fast? It hadn't been that long since they decided to have their first time! Katsuki remembered to use protection (his mother had ensured it by buying a ridiculous number of them for Katsuki's 18th birthday) and had pulled out anyway. Besides, Izuku was a man! How did he even get pregnant in the first place?! And how did his muscular figure allow it?!

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