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Surprisingly, this is one of the first ideas I'd had when starting this book, and only 70ish one-shots in, I'm here doing it!

Soulmates - Red String of Fate
Angst(y) to fluff

[No one's POV]

They've been connected since birth.

That iconic red string that had been slipped around their pinkies, fated to each other from the beginning.

It's quite rare to see a pair fated from the moment the last had been born, Mitsuki, at the time, watching in awe as she saw the thread from her son's pinkie drift out through the open window, right to the hospital where Izuku had been brought to the light of the world.

The sting then disappeared from her line of sight almost immediately.

One could only see the string of another once before it disappeared.

Unless, of course, it is your own or your soulmate's string.

Aside from that, Mitsuki was overjoyed to know that her son had a soulmate so early on.

Neither of the parents knew that the two were pairs. Yet, somehow, the two were friends for some time, completely oblivious to the red string that had connected them.

Elementary school came by and the two were close friends, though they had started to play around with the string. Once, they had run into a forest, the younger following in tow to the elder, and they had rubbed the thread on a rock, snapping the crimson in half. Izuku's eyes instantly widen at this, scrambling for both of the ends, which were floating off, and tying them together.

That was when the two knew that the string could be cut.

Luckily, the knot melted back to how it was before.

Further into Elementary, the two had learnt about what that red string connecting them meant. Izuku loved the idea of the two being fated for life. Katsuki, on the other hand, hated it. Having already received his quirk, he had also known that Izuku was quirkless and hated the idea of being fated to someone so weak and defenceless!

So he bullied him. Ignored him. Teased him.

In hopes to change his fate.

Unfortunately, the end of his red string had never changed. Always leading to the same, stupid, useless wannabe.

Coming to the end of Elementary, Katsuki was on a short fuse, Izuku setting it off by meekly saying goodbye to his soulmate. He starts to shout, losing his mind as thick rage overrides his self-control, grabbing a pair of scissors from his pocket and severing that cursed string. The string that tied him to that deadweight.

Izuku squeaked in fear as soon as he saw the two lose ends leave Katsuki's hand, sprinting hastily to tie them together.

His soulmate meant so much to him, and he wouldn't stop repairing any rip or break in that string.

Which Katsuki had used right to his advantage.

Come Middle school and that string had been almost shredded, if it weren't for Izuku's perseverance. Yet Katsuki had relished that look on his face each time. That face of losing his everything.

Katsuki was his everything!

He liked the idea of that.

However, come the incident with the Sludge villain, Katsuki could tell Izuku was watching him. His string was much heavier. He would've thought that Izuku just came to watch him die and, for a moment, he wished the boy wasn't so useless. That he had a power. That he wasn't so defenceless from power.

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