The Devil's Angel~ Part 2 (🍋)

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Requested by ThiccDaemon

The day I have dreaded is hear. But there is no hate in this. So no, I don't regret writing this lemon :)

Devil! Kiri
Angel! Kami
Lemons (R15+)

Enjoy :D

[Kiri's POV]

I had barely held myself in all this time. The amount of times I had scowlded myself for not sinking my teeth into that angel was too many. I had even gotten around to nearly forgetting his sweet name. Kaminari.

Now it's like a song stuck in my head! Everywhere I fucking look, I see his stupidly adorable face! It begging for me to bite him. I don't even try and stop the overbaring force of fantasies filling my head. Kaminari was practically at the tip of my fingers, and I could've done anything to him. Stain filthy bite and love marks all over his perfect white skin, hear his sweet voice moan my name out as I make them. Suck along his spotless wings, almost as white as his skin, and trail my tongue along his collarbone. Feel his nimble and delicate fingers thread and tug through my hair, occasionally scrap agains my skull.

I manage to snap out of that dream when I realise my mouth was slick with saliva, most likely formating from all those thought. My tail was having a mind of its own, waggling lowly by my feet. It look exactly as it seemed to any passers- a horny devil on patrol.

And, coming from experience, it is a LOT harder than it sounds to contain myself.

I'm not sure if I'd have any self control when I see that angel again. And I won't be holding back either. He had messed with me earlier, so I'm gonna mess with him!

I continuously scan the crowd for any sign of Kaminari, not even trying to look for anomalies anymore. The bullshit that Bakugo told me can be ignored for a moment, because now I actually had something to look forward to, and no one gives a fuck on what I do. I was practically on edge, monotonously glaring at my watch every minute, which seemed to drag on to what felt like hours.

It felt beyond a relief when I saw the edge of what looked like an angel's wing, and I try to suppress my famished smile, dangerous thoughts running through my head. I was no longer sane, and this uniform meant virtually nothing anymore. The only thing that had meaning was Kaminari. And I was beyond ready to taste his tender meat. I don't waste any time when I saw his sunflower blonde hair, glaring intimidatingly at the devils surrounding him, tightening my hand around his frail wrist as I drag him down the same alleyway we had just met. This angel had been on my mind all day, and there is no way that I wouldn't give him a punishment for it.

I take him further back, out of earshot from the hustling at the entrance, and turn to finally face him. He still looked exactly as I remember, if not even better, golden eyes blazing brightly, strands of hair running down his face. His skin was still completely spotless, the mark I had caused on his ear dark red, showing others that he was already taken. It glowed faintly in the minimal light. His slender waist was framed perfectly with his t-shirt, and his jeans pictures the shape of his thighs flawlessly. His wings flap to his side, and just one blink from him makes my heart run off at an impecable speed. I struggle to gulp saliva down.

"We meet again, Kami!" I smirk, though I'm not sure he's noticed the lust in my eyes. "How was work?"

For some reason, Kaminari didn't smile, cheeks lit up as he stares aimlessly on the floor. A wave of uncertainty rushes throught me, and I begin to doubt that he wanted this. But, after hearing him clear his throat and look up, I listen intently as he mumbles under his breath. "Y-yeah... I-It was good. I mean..." He looks directly into my bright red eyes, and for a moment I think that he is transfixed back into them. "It could b-be better..."

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