Peak Time

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Just thought this picture was cute :3



[Kaminari's POV]

I think it was a Friday when it happened.

I go to a boarding school, so it was rare for anyone in our school to go out during the weekends, particularly when we only get limited leaves each term. However, it was time I got a few snacks to push myself through the remaining days of school and do a bit of window shopping, so I know what I can earn for something to buy over the summer.

The journey into town takes about fifteen minutes by train, which isn't too bad, if it weren't peak time. See, I have a bit of social anxiety, much like any teen, and don't do too well in tight spaces. But I had to push through my issues this one time, because I had to be back before 8pm and leaving right now is the only way I will manage to get more time to look around!

Besides, it's a Friday, so it can't be as bad as a Monday!

I waited with anticipation, leaning against the fence whilst I twiddled with my thumbs. There are two problems with wireless earphones. One is that one of the pairs can go missing, which means you'll never be able to listen to the sweet sounds of a dual speaker ever again. The other is that they die on you the exact moment you need them.

So my earphone had died on me, and I stood there in silence, constantly glaring at the red sign on the digital notice board alerting the platform that the train was slightly delayed.

By five minutes.

In that time, more and more people had accumulated on the platform, my feet tethering with the yellow line acting as a lame barrier for people's health and safety.

No one seemed to care about it.

I clutched my phone and the strap of my back closer to my chest, shuffling away from the loud high school kids from another school budging into me. Here's another thing - because we had limited leaves, it was rare to see anyone from my school taking the train to anywhere. There are one or two days where I see a guy or girl from my school board the train but, besides from that, I've mostly been alone on these expeditions.

The familiar jingle played through the speakers, signalling that a train was approaching and, instinctively, I take a few paces back. However, contrary to my movements, the entire platform gushed forward, despite the oncoming train!!!

Still, this only pushed me further backwards, unfortunately because of my weak figure, but not enough to avoid the sudden push when the train stops, the doors spilling open.

And then, hell begins.

The bloody fight to wrestle your body onto the train, cramming yourself into the implausible little spaces to make your way past those dreadful closing doors, fighting for a place to prevent yourself from waiting another ten long minutes for the next train. Fortunately, or unfortunately on my behalf, I was pushed along with the wave of people behind me.

Even with the door shut, I can hear the people pounding on the glass, hoping for some kind soul to open the door for them to squeeze on board, only making the journey more unbearable. Luckily, the train was already moving, and I could feel myself breathe the slightest bit more easily.

A moment later, after a brief check of the time, I try and look towards the other window, marvelling the sun shining across the bustling city, despite it being out-of-work hours. We were travelling across a bridge, the shine of rays reflecting off the roofs of buildings dazzling my eyes. I look away, if but for a second, only to come face to face with another guy in my year.

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