A life for another

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So, I'm I know I've never said, in a while, "Thanks so much for reading this!" and it seems like I'm taking your reads for granted. But, the truth is I thought you guys would get annoyed. I'm so grateful for the reads, and 8 EFING THOUSAND READS?!?!?! It's nuts! Thank you a million for reading! It's 8 times more than I thought I'd actually get!!! AND THE VOTES!!! OVER 2000!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOUUUUU

My new bkdk book as well! 5 chapters and I've already got almost 150 reads!!!!!!

Why did I do that at the beginning though? Because...

Pro heros
Heavy angst
Implied character death(s)

(That was why...)

[Izuku's POV]

I didn't know what happened within that minute. 

I remembered finishing up my shift on the emergency telephone line when the scent of a barbeque stung my nose, causing me to wrinkle it and look around. Seconds passed before I heard screaming, people running up the stairs. Iida and Todoroki jumped into action, running downstairs to deal with the problem which, judging by the large amounts of smoke starting to rise past the open window outside, was a fire. A large one at the most, the burning smell growing worse.

Uraraka was petrified and I, having already figuring a plan to save the people above our floor, grabbed her forearm and dragged her upstairs, telling her my plan so she could understand. We both ran as fast as our legs allowed us to, Uraraka letting out a frequent sob, my mind too busy with what the situation was and how to save as many people as possible to feel emotion.

My train of thought, and my legs, immediately cut off, however, when I heard it. I couldn't unhear it, and it felt like a bucket of ice-cold water was thrown over me, my muscles tensing as tears sting my vision, mind scrambling with static as everything around me stops. 

It was... screams of... agony.

Deep... screams of... agony.

Todoroki's... screams of... agony.

Iida's... screams of... needing help.

I... I didn't know what to do! All that had happened so fast I... I couldn't think! I'm standing here... scared... because... because I couldn't do anything to save him!

I'm drowning in his screams, only imagining the searing pain that he was going through! My chest is constricted, fluttering soot sneaking closer to us and settling onto the floor. Todoroki was... dying... he couldn't do anything! He needed help! I hated the sounds, puncturing through my ears, Uraraka frozen and... everything didn't make sense! Images of Todoroki being engulfed in flames that weren't his own, violent and burning away his flesh slowly, flash through my mind, engraving themselves over my eyelids, tears streaking from his squinted eyes down his up-turned face that was grasping for air and trying to forget or stop the pain but... he c-can't! Iida just has to watch! I-I just had to listen! I c-can't...

I'm sobbing, and my knees feel weak, and I forced myself to move, the stiffness showing no signs of easing as I heard the spitting flames slithering up the stairs like venomous snakes. Uraraka couldn't move at all, silent cries released through her agape mouth wracking her body, me being left with no choice but to use my quirk in order to make her go up the stairs. I needed her, because she was the only person that could make this possible! I can still save people, even though I wasn't able to save... Todoroki...

His screams had stopped, but never in my ears, replaying like a song I couldn't get out of my head.

My heart aches at the thought, but I try and swallow it down, blinking away at my blurred vision and stumbling around the stairs as I make sharp turns, praying Uraraka could hold together just until the rest of this building was clear.

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