Angry day

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Awwwwww 2k reads?! I'm touched that y'all read trash ^^ now get ready for MORE!!!

Pro heroes
Izu and Kat share an apartment

[No one's POV]

Katsuki had a trash day. Well, trash was an understatement! Everyone at his agency was so loud and irritating, and Kirishima, who thought it was nice to pay the angry blonde a surprise visit, thought it to be a genius idea to see him on that day. Katsuki tried to keep himself from yelling at the redhead, knowing everyone around him, including the press, was watching him, so he refrained from doing so, and instead mostly ignored him. Which only made the redhead be more annoying. Which made the blonde more angry. And so the cycle continued.

Izuku was also having a rubbish day. Well, unlike his husband, Izuku's day had started off alright, surveilling the area for any anomalies that may lead on to another case. That was until the manager dragged him out of his chair by the arm, explaining rapidly that there was a surprise press conference, and that he was the one to be interviewed. And when it came to being face-to-face with tens of eager news reporters, Izuku wasn't always his "best". With it being last minute, he was already angry, and with the seemingly endless amounts of questions, the greenette found it progressively harder to have the energy to continue smiling and answering them honestly.

The two were indeed married, meaning that both of their pent-up anger would crash into each other, causing what the two had previously called an "angry day". This meant that no matter what they did throughout the day, they would be angry at each other. And they did have ever reason to be.

Since Izuku finished his work early, because of the press conference, he was simply lounging on the couch, trying to let out his irritation by groaning, when his blonde partner threw open the door, an angry expression on his face, the vein by his temple popping out.

"What the hell are you doing on the couch, Deku?" Katsuki didn't normally call his husband "Deku" in such an agitated way, but because of all the crap he had to deal with earlier, he didn't even try to apologise. This got De- I mean Izuku to stand up, waiting for Katsuki to finish closing the door in order to make eye-contact with him, puffing up his chest and folding his arms firmly. The blonde had a problem with him sitting on a couch, even though he had probably one of the worst days this year.

"Kacchan, I was simply relaxing! There is no problem in that for you, is there?" Izuku and Katsuki had both been the match that had started the inferno which could potentially burn the house down. The flickering spark that had activated the detonating bomb. Katsuki grits his teeth, slipping his shoes off and striding towards the greenette, hands clenched tightly into fists that his knuckles faded white. The blonde was going to explode!

"YES, IT IS A PROBLEM, NERD! I HAVE BEEN OUT THERE WORKING MY ASS OFF, AND YOU'RE HERE RELAXING ON THE DAMN COUCH!" It was a silly argument, but this is, as a summary, what normally happens during an "angry day". Izuku didn't hesitate to hold back his volume or his anger, practically fuming as much as the blonde himself.

"WHAT MAKES YOU THINK THAT I WASN'T WORKING?! I WAS OUT THERE DYING IN FRONT OF NEWS REPORTERS AND YOU'RE TELLING ME THAT I DON'T DESERVE REST?! AT LEAST YOU DON'T HAVE TO SMILE IN FRONT OF CAMERAS FOR 1 HOUR STRAIGHT!" By now, the neighbours were probably used to the loud racket from next door. Katsuki wasn't willing to drop this conversation, because at the moment he felt like he was almost losing this pointless argument, and grabbed a hold of the smaller boy's hero costume, a few droplets of spit splattering on the other's cute yet angry face.

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