I Don't Wanna Go~ Part 1

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Got the title from my most favourite Alan Walker song, LISTEN TO IT!!!

No quirks
WW2 era
Gay couples are legal

I listened to rock music whilst writing this...

[Kaminari's POV]

I spring off my bed and grab the pen on the desk beside me, blindly crossing off yet another complete day. I had no regard for my eyesight, placing two lines vaguely across "Saturday 15th July". Since there was a war ongoing at the moment, everything was limited and scarce, so Kiri and I thought it was best to stick to using candlelight instead. We had a fireplace too, so heat wasn't too bad either, especially when we can just cuddle in front of it.

See, it's all over the radio on how the war was going and who was winning and how many casualties there were. And of course we were scared of this happening- well, mostly Kiri. But, I try and help the both of us see the sunlight over this dark cloud. Food may be rational, and we may be lacking a job, but at least we have had enough time to spend with each other. There hasn't yet been a day since all of this had started that I hadn't worn a ridiculous smile on my face. And each time, it was Kiri's doing.

I look out at the night sky, the residue of dusk glowing a soft orange in front of a black backdrop. It was silent, besides the faint sounds of radio static from the hallway, and it was hard to think that at this moment, there were people screaming and crying for help. I hate how corrupt our world is. So many innocent people are killed just because of some dumb dispute between two people! It's unnecessary, and it only causes pain of all kinds. And loss.

I've finally come down to a decision to light the candles in the house and, after my eyes lock onto a packet of matches, I pull out a match, attempting to light it but releasing a groan when I notice the nib snapped off.

I swear these are wooden devils sticks!

I end up giving in when I break the third matchstick, letting a final defeated sound through my lips, and I toss its remains into the trash. I somehow feel some of the tension in my muscles relax slightly when I hear soft and melodic chuckling at the door, whipping my head into the direction it came from.

Kirishima. Just looking at him made my heart jump crazily, a half-smile gracefully drawn onto his perfect lips. His eyes were still an adorning red, though losing their brightness since the start of this damn war. That didn't make him any less beautiful, round cheeks kissed with pink and chiselled body just about made out behind his plain t-shirt and shorts. His feet were snuggled in fluffy slippers, elegant red hair draping down over his face, a few bangs hanging over his forehead. He was still intelligent and courageous, though the scars of the war he had seen were evident over his features. And I feel for him, which is why I try my best to make him as happy as he makes me.

"What's up, Denks?" he asks sweetly, tilting his head at a slight angle in curiosity. My cheeks brighten in colour, and I thank myself for not being able to light any candles, though I still felt like my blush was glowing in the dark. I force an answer out once I managed to stop biting my cheek.

"Couldn't light the damn matchstick," I mumble out quietly, unable to hold back the pout on my lips. I didn't know whether it was my expression or the reason, but Kiri starts chuckling, striding over to ruffle my hair. My cheeks only end up getting hotter. "I-It's not funny!"

He continues chuckling, and I turn myself away from him, his arms soon resting over my shoulders, chin just about resting on my head. I could feel that he was on his tiptoes and I resist a laugh. "Can I have a match, sweetie?"

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