Tell me your Problems

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Ok... for those of you who may not know... I think I'm planning to delete this Wattpad account.


[Izuku's POV]

It was raining heavily today. Heavy enough to hear the droplets slapping against the window. Thundering atop the roof.

I meekly open the window, instantly greeted with the blustering wind biting my face, the icy spray puncturing holes through my skin. Shuddering, I choose to shut it, wiping the rain from my face and settling with looking outside through the glass.

It was somewhat tranquil, listening to the sounds of the different taps around me. They echo in my ears like sweet melodies, the tension in my arms and shoulders easing away. Some fall so fast that the white makes them look like snow droplets. Others fall in fat clumps, the splashing sound of it hitting a puddle briskly following afterwards. All I could see were the ripples of forming puddles, the rebounding droplets from each impact to the ground and the thick cloud cover above, showing the eerie beauty of a rainy evening.

The premises of UA was completely devoid of people, no one daring to go outside.

Except one.

And the relaxation of my muscles were in vain when I tense again, my eyes resting on the spiky ash-blonde hair that was all to familiar.


What was he doing outside?! It was freezing and he was only wearing a tank top and pants! He had no umbrella or anything! Not even footwear!

I definitely knew something was off, and my concern arose. Did something happen? He never does something as stupid as this! He's supposed to be one of the smartest in the class! Does he know that he could catch a cold in weather like this while wearing clothing like that?!

Shaking my head, I spring to my feet, jogging over to the entrance, greeting a few people on the way. I throw a jacket on over my thick sweater, finding an umbrella and slipping my feet into my red trainers. The door practically swung open by itself when I'd opened it, my teeth chattering as I step over the puddle in front of the entrance.

Only an idiot would go out in rain like this.

And Kacchan wasn't an idiot.

It wasn't long before I caught him, his hair matted down and dripping with the rain, his skin glistening from the lamps that surrounded him. He was slightly trembling, but not as much as he should've been, the colour in his skin slightly disappearing from the lack of light. I prayed that the weather wouldn't get worse. That no lightning would come.

"KACCHAN!" I couldn't hear myself well over the raindrops deflecting off my umbrella, a freezing gust of wind hitting the back of my neck, causing another shiver to crawl through me.

He stops walking to wherever his destination was, a greenlight that told me he'd heard my voice.

"What are you doing?! You're going to catch a cold!" I couldn't clearly see what he was doing through the shower between us but I could see him think. Or hesitate. I couldn't decide which.

He doesn't seem to move though. Typical, stubborn Kacchan!

"C-Come inside! Or at least under th-the umbrella! You're wearing close to n-nothing right now!"

He still doesn't move. Not even acknowledge me! It took some time, however, when I started to put the pieces together. Realise what was happening.

Kacchan didn't want to go back.

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