Speak Louder

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For those of you who don't know, I have rewritten this because the other one was trash. Also, I was done with Kirikami angst for now, but not Bakudeku :)

There is fluff though!

Deaf Bakugo
Soft Bakugo

This one's better (and longer), I swear!

[No one's POV]

Katsuki trailed behind everyone else as he trailed along, the entirety of Class 1-A and 1-B chattering happily in front of him. Normally, he would very much take the lead, marching on ahead to see wherever they were going to first, standing out from all the extras hobbling from behind. But just that once, he felt like hanging behind and observing. Just observing.

He looks at the greenette laughing in front of him, probably about the excitement they all were going to face in that camp. His eyes were closed tightly, slight traces of tears glistening against his long lashes, lips upturned to a bright smile, the whisper of a blush dusting his round cheeks. Of course, Katsuki didn't care about why, but seeing Izuku laugh so charmingly made the smallest of smiles ghost his face. 

The sight was soon obstructed by the teachers striding ahead of him, causing Katsuki's smile to drop, the blonde now appearing grumpy. He continues to walk, gaze averting to the random pair of trainers walking in front of him, in case they'd suddenly break, stuffing his hands deep into his sweatpants. He wore a plain, black t-shirt, which was quite convenient for the weather, since the forecast said that it was quite hot. And it was about to get hotter.

Katsuki stopped immediately when a bone-chilling shriek was heard from his left, almost as it they were being burned alive. And by the looks of the aggressive inferno raging from where the voice had come from, bright blue flames licking the walls beside the small alleyway, it seemed exactly as it had sounded. His mouth had gone dry just at the sights of it, and genuine fear made him shiver. He turned back to the cheery flock in front of him, shuddering when he heard a sudden crash of glass, and shouted out.

"Villain attack! Everyone watch your ba-" It was too late, the searing pain that he felt on his finger causing him to curse and spring back, more scared when he saw the vibrant ring of blue surrounding the whole group. "Dabi," he muttered under his breath, inaudible to everyone else, his eyes finding his way to icy-blue ones. 

Izuku was looking around frantically, the crackling blue fire waving around taunting him. It was a small ring that had popped out of nowhere, grazing dangerously close to the other students. He found himself pushed into a circle, teachers surrounding the outside. Aizawa flashes a glare to all of the students, gaze lingering a little longer on the greenette. "Do not engage! Stay here and do not engage!" Of course all the teachers' main roles were to protect the students at all costs. And that included them not picking a fight they might not win.

The blue flame user came forward, wrinkled scars raw and intimidating, licking his lips sickeningly. His eyes still had that murderous spark in them. Katsuki watched in horror as several others came in from the alley, exact replicas as the former, silhouettes warping behind the ring. Izuku made a guess by assuming they were clones, similar to Ectoplasm's quirk. As he was pushed further into the group of bodies, his eyes find their way to the back of a head with spiky ash-blonde hair, gaze now fixed. He wasn't willing to lose the boy who he was so fond of now, and he knew that, besides himself, Katsuki wouldn't hesitate to fight.

Katsuki was pressed further back by a teacher, but he could see just over their shoulder a clone grinning almost mischievously, the glimpse of a grenade clutched in his hand. The blonde already knew this was bad news, and it didn't seem that anyone had noticed. So, without thinking twice, he blasted his way through the flames, hissing slightly when he felt a burn graze his forearm, skidding to a slow stop as he passed the villain, grabbing the grenade as he went past. The villain cursed, but the pin that was once attached to the explosive devise was now in his hand.

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