The Sweetest Candy

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HAPPY HALLOWEEEEEEEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sure, we can't eat sweets, but at least we can... eat pumpkin pie :) Also, 1.7K, too kind! ^w^


[Katsuki's POV]

"TRICK OR TREAT!" It was Deku. Dumb Deku at my house in his dumb ghost costume that he's worn since the dumb age of 9 looking dumb as ever. We agreed to go around getting sweets for the purpose of "nostalgia", though I see no point of it, and Deku had insisted for a solid 15 minutes straight. Want evidence? Check my phone.

Anyways, I agreed, and here I am, dressed up in a werewolf costume. And yes, it was a coincidence that the fur of the costume was the same texture and shade as my hair. I try not to groan when I saw the nerd twirling in his lame-ass costume and old, red shoes.

"How about neither?" I hiss through teeth, rolling my eyes. Deku pouts and, as much as I hated to admit it, he looked cute. Too cute for comfort.

"Come on, Kacchaaaaan! Lighten up a little!" I offer him one of my worst smiles, relishing his dumbstruck look, and barge out, shoving my hands into my pockets as I walk after him. I brought a carrier bag with me, whilst Deku brought one of those plastic pumpkin buckets, and it had to be the most childish things I've done all year. Thank hell that no one was in the area, all the other extras having a dumb party that I had to refuse... because I'd rather embarrass myself than go to another one of those sober parties...

"Where the hell are we going?" Deku was just skipping ahead, seeming to completely ignore my question. That ticked me off. "Are you deaf, nerd?!" He spins around, now walking backwards. The full moon was bright, its silver rays causing his skin to glow whiter than it naturally is, his green eyes like mirrors, reflecting all the stars in the night sky. Specks even glittered the ends of his curls, and for a moment, I wondered if he really was a ghost.

He suddenly changes directions, walking up to me with a freakishly wide and adorable face, stopping abruptly just as I stop. I flinch slightly when he jerks his hand out on top of my head, now presumably petting the ears I was wearing. I then feel his cool fingers start to knot through my hair. He pulls his hand away, giggling. "Those ears look so much like your hair, Kacchan!"

Thankfully, he spins around just as my ears turned red. I didn't need that comment from Deku! He's just teasing me more! We continue walking on for a while, Deku humming tune as he walked down different streets, smiling sweetly every time he saw kids rushing to a house or as they say "trick or treat!". I always knew the nerd had a soft spot for children. My soft spot is usually him though, in honesty.

We walk in a comfortable silence, mostly because I don't want to talk, and I lay my eyes on a group of asshats, oogling at the nerd in front of me. I could tell they were because one of them held a cigarette between two crooked fingers, slouching next to a tree. I'm not sure if they could tell I was with him, since there was a bit of a gap between us. But I did know that I hated their lustful glares on him, blood churning and feeling like ice, and I felt like I had to get the attention off of him. And it wasn't the costume. So I jogged up to him, slinging an arm around him and giving them one of my best glares. I took pride in their sudden anxious looks.

I turn to look at Deku, who looked not the slightest bit surprised, head nuzzling into my chest, eyes still glued onto the street we were walking down. He soon pulls away when I think he had found the destination. "Here!"

I definitely felt appreciative when I saw the deserted road he had taken so much effort to get me to. Deku is one of the few people who understands how I like to maintain my pride, how I like to be seen as the top, and not like some childish wannabie. So it was definitely a relief when there were less people around. I think Deku wanted to have a word or sign of praise for doing this for me, even though it was extremely grateful, so I gave him the benefit of the doubt.

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