Juhwan x reader- too overwhelmed

910 15 5

Hehe this was a request and I'm gonna add more of my spice👌🏻


"Ew that gross geezer is here" I said to my enemy since childhood as me and the guys started getting ready for the match.

I was a part of the wind piercers crew and it consisted of five guys and two girls. Today only me together with two other guys Who are david and kenji are competing since this round is a death match with three representatives.

"Yuck why are you here? Shouldn't you be in an empty alley way? Because that's where the slowpokes go" juhwan said with more sass making me cross my arms and scoff.

His team and my team didn't mind us because they already knew we weren't always getting along great and they kinda saw a lot of it by now so they aren't surprised.

"Slowpoke huh? Sorry buddy but I'm not a mirror" I said before flipping my hair making him laugh.

"Whatever you say loser" he said before the announcement was made that the line up was gonna be revealed.

The board showed the line up and I was actually okay with ours.

Wind piercers crew vs. The sabbath crew

Well who are these guys? Kinda hope we could win this round with ease.

"From the looks of it, you guys are losing" juhwan said.

"No we are not, just watch and learn boy" I said stretching my arms.

"Oh you make it sound like you'll actually win" he said grinning as I just scoffed.

"I will and I'll wipe it down on your face" I said with pure determination in my eyes.

"And what if you don't? Get ready to wipe my sweat after I win" he said with the most proud smirk ever as it just made me pissed off more.

"Ew like that would ever happe-" I got cut off as the announcer called the first group which was coincidentally the trident crew.

Without doubt they won the race and their team is already accelerated into the next match.

We walked towards me with a very prideful smile as he had taken of his helmet.

"Easy" he said staring through my eyes with confidence. I only gave him a smirk before walking past him to grab my helmet as the announcer called our team representatives.

I looked back at him seeing how he was already looking at me with a playful smirk as he had his arms crossed.

"If I win this round you're wiping my ass" I said before he laughed. I turned around and walked to the starting line with david and kenji.

"If we don't win this I'm gonna kill you guys" I said before putting on my aerodynamic helmet and the two guys gulped.

I looked to our opponent before my eyes widened. They had this really unique yet very dark style. The crew consisted of a smaller guy with yellow shades that are obviously not for cycling and he had this weird snake looking helmet with literal eyes on it. Next to him was a guy with red shades and red helmet wearing the same sweater with their crew logo at the back. And lastly this guy with a white helmet and white bike who was focusing on the front with a scary expressionless face. They look scary but we will beat them, I swear.

"Ready! 3...2....1......BANG!!"

And with that we all started pedaling and as planned I was securely maintaining my speed behind a slipstream as our main guy kenji sprinted ahead. I was next to this guy with a red helmet and he was getting a little to close for comfort. David who was drafting me was guarded by the guy with a white helmet.

WINDBREAKER (WEBTOON) x reader imagines❤️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora