Wooin x reader- Commotion (unexpected fling part 2)

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This request was actually a oneshot but I got a huge idea and decided to make some parts of it because like why not. I just felt like doing the smut after getting lowkey rehected was a bit weird.


"I know what you people did!" This stupid guy from one of the crews in the tournament yelled at us. Completely ruining our little happy huddle.

"Who is that?" Minu said. I shrugged the same with the others.

"I know what you did you bastards! It was all your plan to make two of my members crash during the race!" We looked at each other with a confused expression. Just what is he talking about and why is he venting it to us without any context?

"Excuse me but I think you're talking to the wrong crew" june politely said but it didn't seem to stop this guy.

"Idiots. Our crew made you win this round. You purposely made my other members crash for you to win. You think I'm a fool?" The guy yelled at us. Oh so that's what this is all about.

"From what I remember from earlier. Those guys didn't even know their bikes yet" shelly said stepping closer to the weird guy.

We were now facing this weird guy. Shelly was standing in the middle of me and minu. June was beside me as the dangerous boys were behind us.

"That's true. I payed them to race in a team with me" he answered.

"Well I guess that was your problem" shelly said.

"It was your fault. You purposely dragged them to the side! They wouldn't have crashed if you didn't push him!" Gosh can't he just get over it? It's starting to piss me off.

I looked behind me to see dom was slightly pissed but surprisingly kept his mouth shut. Vinny had his arms crossed as jay had his hands in his pockets. Shelly was obviously ready to throw hands. Minu is pretty calm. June is thinking on how to politely turn this guy down. I was equally pissed. Whatever happens today I'm sure we will win.

"We already told you we didn't do it. It isn't our fault that you hired boys who barely know how to ride a bike and it isn't our responsibility to handle your stupidity" I stepped in after seeing shelly getting more pissed.

"That's not gonna stop me from exposing what you did! I'm gonna tell everyone how you pushed people to make them crash! Desperate creatures!" Wow now I was more than happy to slap the shit out of this guy and maybe yeet him off of the earth or something.

"Hey. Don't try to piss me off more than you already have. We already told you it was your fault. If you still want to blabber about your fucking nonsense shit then we won't have any choice but to mess you up. We chose peace but you wanted something else. Fucking desperate creature" I stated. June patted my shoulder and whispered me to calm down. I'm not gonna calm down until this weird asshole is out of sight.

Out of nowhere this bitch suddenly swinged his arm towards me. Before I could feel the hand I was pulled back by vinny. My back collided with his body before all our attention was glued on the scene infront of us.

It was wooin. He was holding the guy's fist. His other hand hidden in his crew jacket. He was calm. Very calm. The weird guy was aching in pain as wooin tightened his gripped on his hand.

Slowly and calmly he got his other hand out to remove the lollipop he had in his mouth.

"You're a stupid one aren't you? Going around creating a scene in a league. You think it'll do you any good?" He asked before harshly letting go of his hand.

"Who are you? Don't get involved or I'll kill you!" This guy was persistent.

He threw another punch but wooin swiftly dodged it before throwing a punch straight onto his chin. The weird guy stumbled back. The impact too strong for his dear life.

WINDBREAKER (WEBTOON) x reader imagines❤️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang