Wooin x reader- brings me back

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I don't know anything about wooin's character so this might be a little out of character. I mean super duper out of character. I kinda want to know how he looks like while doing it. 

Since I have no idea how to write this idea I might actually have to force him to be out of character and I hope it turns out great. oh yeah I almost forgot, I made up some fake backstory on wooin for this imagine so just go with the flow okay? And also please tell me if I did wooin right so that I can continue or change something to make it fit okay? Don't be shy to tell me.


I just got out from my brother's apartment after my flight from the us. He figured it was best for me to spend the rest of the day out to immediately get used to korea again after my almost 5 years in another country.

I walked and looked around the familiar streets I used to walk around ehen I was younger and the playgrounds and everything seemed so nostalgic that it made me a little sad that I couldn't go back to those times but I am happy about the person I have become today and I am proud of myself for making it this far in life.

I sensed someone was following me and it wasn't a pleasant feeling to have. I looked back to see a guy wearing a black hoodie and a mask. My eyes widened once I saw the disgusting look he had. He suddenly started walking faster as I did the same.

From walking turned into full on running. At this point I didn't even know where I was going but I was sure enough that I was headed into the city because of the number of people that seemed to multiply once I arrive at a certain place. I kept running and running, passing by a lot of stores and restaurants and karaoke places and convenience store but he was still consistent. I couldn't call my brother because my phone was still registered to american systems which mean I can only call people from there which is useless.

I looked back once again to check if he was still there but instead I made contact with something hard. My eyes widened as I looked at the guy who was infront of me.

He had a slightly angry face as he waited for me to say something but I couldn't as I started hearing loud footsteps coming and without futher thinking I grabbed the guy and pulled him into a hug.

"Just a minute please! That guy has been following me since my apartment!" I said as I hid my face on the person's chest as the guy who was following passed us and took a turn a block away.

I peeked my head out to see if he was still here as I heard a sigh.

"He's not here anymore" the guy said as I immediately let go of him and started apologizing. He wasn't really paying attention to me from the start because he was looking at his phone but this gave me a better chance to look at his face and see all the familiar qualities that was similar to someone I used to know. Those sharp and restless eyes behind those sunglasses was something I missed and used to look at everyday before I went to america.

"Quit staring or I'll take your eyes off" he said as I widened my eyes.

"I think I know you" I lightly said as I kept staring at him. He only replied with a 'yeah yeah' as he was still looking at his phone. I knew this guy but I forgot his name. All I remember was it started with W. Warren?? William? Willow? Wait were in kore not america so it has to be korean. Wooshik? Wonwoo? God what was it.

"Wooin?" I said and it seemed to grab his attention. It really was wooin. Now that his eyes were off of his phone he was the one who was lookin at me. His eyes widened a little before he reached out to my hand and looked at the scar I had on my arm. He was speechless like I was.

"Y/n..." he said as his stare was getting stronger and stronger by the second. I can't help but pull him into another hug once again but this time I felt him hugging me back. "It's really you...after 5 years" I said as I started crying. The relationship we used to have back in a few years was complicated but he was very different back then and he used to be so happy about everything. We were like a couple but we never made it clear of what we were and just when I wanted to confess to him my mom made an emergency trip to america and we weren't expecting to live there for the next 5 years. I couldn't contact him because we lived in different countries and I just completely lost contact with him. I left him without him knowing why.

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