Cuddling With Dui

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It was a cold winters day. You were all alone at home, you only wished Dui was there to come keep you warm, after all it was perfect cuddling weather. And just like that there was a knock on your door. You sprang to your feet and was surprised to see Dui standing there, did he hear your wish? You thought only the gods in the department of wishes could do that.

"Don't look so surprised." Dui smiled, "I'm telepathic remember, I can tell when you are pining away for my affection." He teased. "I wasn't exactly pining..." You pouted and he tapped you on the nose with a chuckle, "You are so cute." You blushed at his words and quickly averted your shy eyes.

You let him inside and you both sat on the couch together. You sidled up against him as a shiver ran through your body, "You are really cold, huh?" Dui asked and you nodded your head, "Do gods feel the cold?" You asked. Dui put an arm around your shoulders before saying, "We do but I guess not as much as you humans. Holding you like this, though, is nice." He pulled you right against him allowing you to share in his warmth, "You are so very warm." You felt comfortable in his embrace and let out a yawn. You felt so relaxed that you were getting sleepy. Dui couldn't help but chuckle a little, "If you want to sleep, go right ahead. I'll be right here watching over you."

"Oh no. I couldn't do that. Not when you just arrived," You shook your head but couldn't stifle the yawn that left your lips, "Wow, I really am sleepy." You rubbed your eyes, trying to stay awake. "Are you still cold?" Dui asked. "A little." You nodded. Dui then used his free hand to lift up your chin and he planted a gentle kiss on your lips and pulled away, "How about now?" He asked with a teasing smile but didn't even wait for you to reply before kissing you again.

His flurries of kisses warmed you inside out, your heart and soul was on fire. He left you breathless and unable to speak, "You can sleep now." He whispered, his hot breath tickling your ear. You didn't know if it was even possible to sleep now after all that, in fact you were wide awake.
"Not going to sleep?" He looked at you with a mischievous grin, "You aren't still cold are you?" Again you didn't get a chance to reply as you were suddenly thrusted back onto the couch with him getting on top. Dui gazed passionately at you from above, it seemed he never did intend to let you sleep. Sometimes he could be so sweet and other times he could be such a mischievous little boy. Dui gently ran a hand over your body as he brought his lips to yours. He didn't plan on letting you go anytime soon. One thing was for sure, you were no longer cold. Dui's love was the perfect remedy to rid you of any coldness you might have been feeling earlier.

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