Tears- Huedhaut

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There she was after all these years; I finally found her again- the goddess of my heart. At last we could be together once more- or so I thought. I could only watch as she chose another god; another god who wasn't myself. I was sure she would choose me but when she uttered Leon's name my heart sunk.

I knew. I knew in my heart she did not remember me. All our memories of the past are just that- in the past. And still I hoped deep down she would look me in the eye and something in her would stir drawing her to pick me but alas that wasn’t the case.

I shouldn't despair though, It wasn’t like she had fallen in love with the Minister of Wishes. They were simply spending time together to rid him of his mark of sin. I still had a chance to win her heart and steal her away. I continued to hold onto that sliver of hope...but as I watched the two together that hope began to slowly fade.

The way she looked at him with eyes full of affection and even Leon was changing- being kinder around her and the way he looked at her didn't escape my eyes. I knew they had fallen in love just like I had long ago.

It was heart wrenching to see her slowly fall for another man. But what could I do? Absolutely nothing. I was forced to watch her give her heart to another man. I shouldn't be surprised as she is no longer the goddess I once knew and yet I feel unbearably torn inside. I wanted to scream but I only screamed on the inside. I remained my calm, cool and collected self on the outside and even did my best to show the pair my support.

When I gave her part of myself so that she may be reborn I knew this may happen. I didn't want to believe it would happen but I always knew it was a possibility. Even so I don't regret my decision, given the chance I would do it all over just so that she may continue to live- even if it is as a human. I loved her with all my heart so it was only natural I would risk my life to save her.

I continue to remain strong. My mask never falters. No one knows the emptiness I feel inside. However, in private I can no longer keep up my perfect visage. Knowing we would never be together again and that she gave herself to another man would always eat away at me. Only in the silence of my bedroom would I give way to my tears. All the emotions I kept in comes flooding out and yet no one knows just how lonely I really felt; no one understood my broken heart. No one.

Every time they came across difficulties I would be the first person she came to for help and though painful as it may be I didn't hesitate to offer her my knowledge if it would ensure her future happiness. I knew such happiness would be something forever out of my grasp as she was my happiness. She was my everything. She was so close that I could reach out and touch her and yet she was always out of my reach. I wanted to scream her name and cry out to her but it was pointless. My struggles, my feelings- they meant nothing.

I was fated to live my life alone, without happiness, forced to watch for as long as she lives as she gave her heart and soul to another man. Someone that would never be me. I couldn't deny I was jealous or the hatred growing in the depths of my heart towards my Minister but I had to suppress those feelings as I couldn't bring any pain and suffering to her life. I just had to accept she was happy with him. I no longer could share in that happiness. And in the end all that truly mattered to me was that she was happy as that was what mattered most.

All my feelings I once held for her I would simply have to forget them and be happy for her and yet I knew I was fooling myself as I could never forget my feelings nor how my heart yearns for her. They would always serve to remind me of what I once had but also what I now lost.

I would always be watching on as a broken man alone with feelings as I smiled for her in person while I cried out for her in secret. Wishing for a love that would never be returned.

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