Missing- Scorpio

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How could this happen? You were distraught when you found your daughter had gone missing. Seeing as it was a nice day and you didn't have anything to do you thought it would be nice to spend the day out with your daughter but now that she had gone missing you were quickly regretting that decision.

“I only looked away for a moment. Where could she have gone?!” You scoured the entire area but couldn't find her anywhere. What if something happened to her? You couldn’t bear the thought of never seeing her again.

Panicking, you rushed to Scorpio as fast as you could to alert him to what happened.

“What?!” Scorpio was incredibly furious to hear his daughter was missing. His blood pressure went through the roof. “We have to find her. Now.” Scorpio told Zyglavis he had to go and immediately left the palace with you.

Scorpio couldn't believe this happened. He knew he couldn't blame you and you were just as worried as he was but he still couldn't help being more snappy with you.

“If anything happens to her-!” Scorpio was the definition of anger right now with his face twisted in a scowl.

You were almost in tears from worry. Neither of you could calm down until you she was back in the safety of your arms.

“Can you sense her presence?” You desperately asked. Scorpio did his best to concentrate. Suddenly his snapped open and he focused hard, “She is nearby.”

You felt your chest tighten in response. You just had to find her and soon.

“Let's go.” Scorpio quickly grabbed your hand and immediately broke out into a sprint.

“Sh-She's in here?” You were led to a dark, unruly forest. It scared you to think of what she may be going through in such a place. “There.” Scorpio looked to the east and ran as fast as he could with you behind.

What you found was an old shack in the middle of the forest. The two of you carefully approached the house to find an eccentric god living there and that's not all- “Ah! There she is!” You gasped when you saw your daughter sitting at the table across from the god.

“S-Scorpio?” You felt his powerful grip on your hand as seeing this god had taken her made him bubble forth with anger.

“I'm going to get her back.” Scorpio quietly declared and told you to stay put. He marched up to the door and almost blew it from the hinges as he powerfully thrusted it open.

“What?” The god looked surprised to see Scorpio in his home, “Who are you and what do you want?” The man narrowed his eyes.

Scorpio balled his fists and his eyes grew dark, “You have my daughter. I am taking her back this instant.” He immediately stormed up to the table and grabbed the little girl from her seat.

“Hey! Give her back!” The man tried to fight Scorpio but it was futile; Scorpio was much too powerful.

“In your frickin’ dreams. You are NEVER going near her again.” Scorpio spat as he glared at the disheartened god.

“I just wanted a child of my own… I wanted some company so I didn't have to be alone…” The god said with sorrowful eyes.

But Scorpio was boiling with rage, “You don't take someone else's child! I don't want you ever coming near her again. If I ever catch you doing this again,” Scorpio’s voice grows low and threatening, “I will end you.” and with that he left the man alone and along with you returned home.

“Mama! Papa!” Your daughter had tears in her eyes as she threw her arms around yours and Scorpios legs.

“There, there. Everything is okay now.” You did your best to soothe her.

“I'm relieved nothing happened.” Scorpio breathed a thankful sigh and dropped to his knees, “You were such a good girl being so brave,” he gently patted her head, “Daddy won't ever let someone take you away again. I promise.” Scorpio smiled and your daughter looked at him for a moment before growing teary eyed and leaping into his chest.

“I love you, papa.” She said as she gripped his clothes with her tiny hands.

Scorpio smiled fondly and gently wrapped his arms around her small body and started rubbing her in a comforting manner, “I love you too.”

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