Stalked- Huedhaut

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It was frightening. Just the thought of it happening sent chills down your spine. You never believed you'd be the victim of stalking. At first you just brushed it off as nothing but the same mans’ face started appearing everywhere. At the shops; Walking down the street and even close to your apartment.

This was no mere coincidence- that man had his eye on you. You couldn’t even feel safe in your own home and didn't dare think about leaving your apartment. He could strike at any time and you would be left vulnerable.

Scared, you sat on your couch clinging to your knees. You wished with all your heart Huedhaut would come and save you. You wanted nothing more than to be comforted by his strong, warm arms; they made you feel so safe.

Tears started to well up in your eyes, you so badly wanted to see Huedhaut but with the fear of being attacked you couldn’t just get up and simply stroll over there and not be scared along the way. No. You thought it would be safer to stay home but even still that didn't do much to ease your worries.

Suddenly there was a loud, urgent knock on the door. “Eeek.” You screamed and grabbed the nearest item which happened to be a metal rod you had leaning on the wall, “What do you want?” You asked with a shaky voice as you stood on guard.

“It's me.” A familiar voice responded from behind the door.

“Hue?” You straightened up, looking surprised and got out of attack stance to open the door. Huedhaut stood on the other side looking deeply concerned.

“I heard your desperate plea and came straight over.” Huedhaut said, looking straight at you with worried eyes. “You don't plan on hitting me with that do you?” Huedhaut looked at the metal rod in your hands.

“Huh.” You looked at the rod and gasped, “No. O-Of course not.” You vigorously shook your head and put the rod down. Huedhaut simply chuckled, of course he knew that but was just trying to ease your mind.

Seeing Huedhaut now standing right there in front of you brought all your emotions to the surface. Still overcome with fear you leapt into his chest, “Huuuue! Waaaah!” You began to wail into his chest, wetting his uniform.

Huedhaut looked surprised to see you so distraught. He gently wrapped his arms around you and asked what's wrong, “Did something happen? You aren't acting like yourself…”

Sobbing, you nodded against his chest. You gripped his uniform and looked at him with teary eyes, “I...I'm being followed. A m-man is stalking me.” You explained, your lips quivering and your voice shaking.

Huedhaut was taken aback with surprise. Now it all made sense why you were so upset and sounded so scared when you called out for him.

Huedhaut tightened his grip on you and held your head to his chest, he looked unbelievably fearsome, “How dare they.” He spat in an icy cold tone. Huedhauts eyes flashed with a deep, dark bitterness.

“Hue…” You whispered his name, still shaking. Huedhaut gave you a gentle squeeze to reassure you, “Do not worry. I won't let anything happen to you now.” he gently kissed the top of your head, “I will see to it they get their own special punishment. Not from a god but from a very angry boyfriend.”

You could hear the coldness in his voice. Huedhaut definitely was angry to know you were being stalked.

Being in his arms did wonders to soothe your worries. You felt much safer with him around. Now you had nothing to worry about as you knew Huedhaut would give that man a very painful lesson. One he would never forget. That man would never bother you again and Huedhaut made sure to always protect you.

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