Wedding- Scorpio

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Scorpio didn’t know how he ever let you convince him into doing this. His suit was so not his style and uncomfortable to boot. But when he recalls the way you looked at him with those puppy dog eyes of yours, and when you plead with him while looking like that he could hardly turn you down.

“Tch. That woman.” Scorpio sighs as he pulls at the collar of his suit.

Today you would finally be wed and become man and wife. Scorpio didn’t want to bother with all the formalities and just simply wanted to make you his without the need of such a bothersome event but you always dreamed of having a beautiful wedding with the man you loved and seeing how passionate you were about it he couldn’t find it within himself to break your dreams.

Ichthys, Dui and Teorus were quite thrilled to be at a real live wedding and share in the festivities. Karno was also quite enjoying himself while Leon still couldn’t fathom how the cranky scorpion ever managed to get a girl let alone get married; though he too was happy for you both.

“At least try to smile, just for today.” Zyglavis said, frowning as he watched Scorpio. He was chosen to be the best man for the wedding, though, he too was not very fond of his suit, also pulling at his uncomfortable collar.

“Hmph. You are one to talk, you look just as irritated.” Scorpio replied, his eyebrows furrowed.

Zyglavis froze for a moment before his face returned to one of calm, “I am not the one being married here, it does not matter how my face looks.” Zyglavis said and Scorpio clicked his tongue in annoyance.

It was finally time for the wedding to be under way. No sooner than the music began to play did Scorpio tense up and grow nervous. Even worse, Zyglavis looked just as nervous and he wasn’t even the one being married! What a hopeless pair they were.

“Calm down Scorpio. You are shaking too much.” Zyglavis chided Scorpio.

Scorpio’s body froze in response and he looked at Zyglavis who looked anything but calm, “I don’t need you telling me to be calm.” Scorpio gave him a pointed look as if saying speak for yourself.

Since this was a special wedding the only people in attendance were the gods of the heavens; you decided you would have another wedding at a later date for all your friends and family on earth, much to Scorpios dismay.

The doors finally opened, there you stood at the entrance adorned with a beautiful white dress that would leave all the goddess’s jealous of your beauty. Besides you was none other than the King of the heavens. You don’t know exactly how this all happened but the King just up and declared he would lead you down the aisle and unable to refuse such a gracious offer you gratefully accepted.

“You really do make a beautiful bride. That Scorpio of mine is lucky to have found someone like you,” The King smiled happily as he admired your beauty.

Feeling a little shy, you bashfully smiled, “Thank you.” you replied, your cheeks slightly pink.

“Very beautiful.” The King said in response to seeing your pretty pink cheeks but if he didn’t stop with the compliments soon you didn’t know if your heart would make it down the aisle.

“Let’s go.” The King held out his arm and together the two of you slowly made your way down the aisle.

Scorpio was completely mesmerized by your beauty, completing forgetting how annoying his collar was or how nervous he had been, all he could think about now was you. Even Zyglavis was taken in by your beauty, standing in awe as he watched you slowly descend towards them like a beautiful goddess.

You smiled shyly when you finally made it to Scorpio, your heart was beating wildly and out of control. You were extremely nervous but also so very very happy at this moment.

Noticing you were just as nervous as he was, Scorpio carefully took hold of your hand and gently squeezed it to reassure you. This act of his surprised you but you quickly felt and overwhelming love for this man who was your whole world.

After leading you down the aisle the King was now standing before you as he was going to be the one to wed you both. The King sure gets around.

The both of you turned to face one another and got ready to recite the vows. Both of you were equally nervous but when it came to saying the vows, Scorpio turned into a blushing, shaking mess.

You managed to get your vows out with little trouble despite your nerves. Scorpio on the other hand… Kept messing them up. It was quite a scene watching Scorpio and the King go back and forth until Scorpio could say them correctly, Zyglavis stood a little further behind shaking his head in shame watching Scorpio make such a mess of things. While the other gods, especially Ichthys could hardly contain their laughter.

Once the vows were finally over (Scorpio nearly had a fit after they finished but let's not mention that) it was time to exchange the rings. Zyglavis handed you and Scorpio both a ring.

You managed to easily slip the ring on Scorpios hand but when he tried to put the ring on your finger… It didn’t go so well. His hands were shaking so much he couldn’t quite get it on your finger. You could see the frustration growing on his face but he did his best to remain calm and concentrate. You didn’t know putting a ring on could be so difficult.

At least this is practice for second wedding you thought… Maybe he wouldn’t make a fool of himself in front of your friends and could only hope. Right now all the gods were having a grand time watching the wedding, they didn’t know it could be so much fun even if Scorpio was having anything but fun.

“Done!” Scorpio cried out triumphantly when he finally got the ring on your finger shocking you and most gods in the room. Zyglavis looked beyond done with Scorpio at his point.

Seeing the way everyone was looking at him made him embarrassed, Scorpio quickly faced the King and told him to continue.

It was now time to kiss. This was one thing Scorpio couldn’t mess up you thought.

Scorpio looked at you, though he was now smiling- you didn’t know if it was from relief to nearly be over or because he was happy but you decided to think the latter- you could see how exhausted he was from such a tiring ordeal the wedding was; you worried after everything that happened he may not want a second wedding.

Scorpio and you slowly drew together like magnets, your lips joining together as one and as such signaled the union the two of you would share for the rest of your lives.

The room exploded in applause, happy for the young couple (probably also happy for Scorpio that it is all over)

Relieved, Scorpio let out a soft sigh before looking at you with a heated gaze.

“S-Scorpio…?” Before you even had a chance to react, he had swept you off your feet and started to run towards the exit.

“I have had all I can take of this wedding. It is time we went somewhere we can be alone.” Scorpio rushed outside and ascended into the skies, firmly holding you in his arms.

Flying through the air, Scorpio could finally relax. He looked down at you with such a tender, heartfelt gaze, “You really are the most beautiful goddess in existence and you are finally mine. I promise I will always cherish you and love with you every fibre of my being. My promises are eternal just as my love is.” Carefully holding you Scorpio gently leaned in to meet your lips with the sweetest of kisses as if sealing the promise with an eternal vow of love.

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