Pregnancy- Huedhaut

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Huedhaut thought his heart would stop when you announced your pregnancy to him. It was like time had come to a stop and all he could see was you.

"You are really pregnant? We...are having a baby." He sounded like he was still coming to terms with the fact you were indeed pregnant.

You nodded your head and rubbed your belly, "We really are having a baby." You smiled happily.

In the next moment you had been enveloped in his warm and loving arms. Huedhaut held you tight against him and buried his face in your hair as he rubbed your back, "I'm so happy." He whispered, sounding rather emotional.

He then pulled back to be able to look at your face, "I've always wanted this. To have a baby with you. I never thought it would happen I don't even know how to act right now..."

It was true, Huedhaut was acting far from his normal self. He was overcome by so much emotion he couldn't even hide it.

"Hue..." You softly whispered his name, so happy to see his joy.

"This is the happiest moment of my life." His voice was filled with emotion and maybe a little shaky fron just how overjoyed he was. Huedhaut glanced down to your belly and softly touched it.

"I look forward to watching our baby growing and then eventually meetings them for the first time." He said and then leant down to place a kiss on your tummy, "We really are going to become parents. I can't wait to meet you. Be good for your mother and don't cause her too much pain." He talked to your belly as he gently stroked it and occasionally kissed it.

This really was the happiest moment in your lives. You both couldn't wait to greet the newest addition to your family.

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