Dui's Likes And Dislikes

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I saw someone do something like this on Tumblr with Scorpio's Hates and thought I'd try something similar with Dui. Please don't take any of this seriously. Most is things I made up. Please just enjoy it for what it is. I mainly did this for fun and my personal enjoyment. I might do this with other gods as well if i feel like it.

I'm not sure why I am doing this... It's kind of embarrassing. But she mentioned she wanted to know more about my likes and dislikes and would love it if there was some kind of list so she could get to know me even better. *sigh* I am helpless when it comes to her. I guess I better get started on this...list.


Who wouldn't like cherries? They are so sweet and tangy and so juicy. They can even be made into pies and other tasty treats. Cherries are amazing. But everyone who knows me knows I love cherries...that's not much of a surprise. I could go on about the greatness of cherries but Scorpio would probably have a fit if he saw this and my obsession with them. ...Not like he can talk, though. He's just as bad with his apples.

The Beach
It's so relaxing. I love seeing all birds, seagulls? I think they are called, flying over the ocean. They must really love the water since they are always there. What is it they eat again... fish isn't it? ...Oh wait, Ichthys probably wouldn't get along with them. I could imagine them as sworn enemies. Ichthys better not prank one of those helpless seagulls... Another thing I love about the beach is seeing her in her bikini. Of course we have to be alone on the beach because I can't have anyone else seeing her. I'll murder anyone who lays an eye on her gorgeous body.

Her Lips
Her beautiful lips red as cherries. I could look at them all day. So soft and plump. I love kissing them. They taste nice, even better than cherries and I love cherries.

Her Smile
When she smiles at me I feel so calm inside and realize how lucky I am to have her all to myself. That smile of hers that is reserved only for me. I can't get enough of her sweet smile that sends my heart pulsing and my chest ablaze. I always want to keep that precious smile of hers on the lips I treasure so dearly. I would do anything to protect it.

Humans sure have some interesting gadgets. It's amazing how many different things can be seen on the other side of the screen. I like learning more about human culture from it. It never ceases to surprise me with all the amazing things that are shown on TV.

The mall is such a fascinating place. So many different interesting human creations all packed into one building. How convenient. Humans seem to go crazy whenever they are at one so they must be good. Even she loves to go shopping and find the latest sales. I do love to watch her try on different outfits. She looks adorable in anything she wears. Ichthys and I like to go to a mall to obverse the human's activities, though we often get swept up in the excitement and always come home with "trash" as Scorpio puts it. Though Ichthys and I think differently and enjoy the different items we found. It's fun to see how different objects work. But not so fun when Ichthys implements them into one of his pranks...

They are such interesting creatures. Despite all their mistakes they still keep on going. They always find a way to live, to survive. I admire them for that. They aren't perfect and don't have any special powers to help them and still have come this far and don't give up. Us gods can learn a lot from humans. Though it pains me to see them suffering from life's hardships. I know all too well what it's like to suffer and be shunned and carry a heavy burden... I don't wish those feelings on anyone. I only wish happiness and good health to all humans. I can only continue to do my part as a god of punishments to help those who do suffer. I will do my best to bring justice to wicked humans and help them see the error of their ways and turn around to lead a better life. This is my duty given to me by The King thanks to Scorpio. If it wasn't for him saving me back then I wouldn't be here now and never would have been able to be truly saved from her...

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