Tears- Dui

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"Please don't cry. I don't know what to do when you cry..." Dui said, looking concerned. He sat besides you on his bed and placed his hand over yours.

"Sorry. I can't help it. Knowing I won't see you for awhile hurts. You sobbed. You tried to wipe the tears from your eyes but they just kept coming.

Dui had brought you to his room to inform you he had important work in the heavens and wouldn't be able to come to earth for some time and during this time you wouldn't be able to see each other. It would be a hard time for the both of you.

"It's not like I will never see you again so please smile for me." Dui's voice was kind as he spoke to you. He reached out towards your face to catch the tears escaping from your eyes.

"I'll try. It's just so hard. You don't even know when we will see each other again and we won't even be able to contact one another." That was what made it even harder. No communication at all during this time.

Dui also looked to be pained by this as his eyes were rather glum and his smile lacked the spark it usually had, "It's hard on me too. I never want to be apart from you. I'd have you by my side at all times if I could." He sighed sadly.

Still teary eyed you looked towards him, "Like if we were married?" You asked.

Dui looked surprised by your question and thought about it for a moment, "Exactly. In fact we should get married. How about this? When I return we get married and you can hold onto this thought to help you get through us being apart and I'll do the same."

You froze at his suggestion and before you knew it you had lept into his arms, "Yes! I would love too." You were so touched by his words you were now crying for a different reason.

"Still crying?" Dui said, looking lost on what more he could do.

"Because I'm happy, silly."


"Yes. Because we are going to be married." You smiled.

Dui smiled in return and wiped away your tears, "Then I guess I better get use to you always crying because you do it whether you are happy or sad." He laughed and you laughed with him.

Dui then stopped and gazed into your beautiful eyes and caressed your cheek, "I really will miss you. But it will make seeing you again all the more worth it because when I do I will never let you go again." He declared in small whisper and leant closer and just before your lips touched, "I'll never stop loving you, ___. I love you so much." And then he pressed his lips to yours and the two of you shared in one last passion filled night until he had to go away for awhile but when he returned the two of you would finally become husband and wife.

Many happy memories awaited the both of you in the future. Though you may go through difficult times now it is all apart of making your hearts grow fonder for one another and the love you share deepen so that it may always be there to guide you even in hard times and make you smile during the happy ones.

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