Leon And MC's Daughter Celebrating Mothers Day

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It was mother's day. Leon and your daughter, Estelle, had been planning for some time to surprise you on this day. It was your daughter who came up with the plan this year. The two of them were to make you breakfast you could eat in bed. Estelle thought of all the yummy things she could make you that you'd love. Like pancakes, muffins and french toast. The two of them woke up especially early that morning before the sun was even up to get things underway.

“Be quiet, daddy. We don't want to wake up mummy.” Estelle whispered with a finger in front of her tiny lips.

“I know, I know.” Leon nodded.

Neither of them knew how to cook especially well. They did find a cookbook with what they needed inside but even still… there was chaos in the kitchen as the two of them cooked together. Leon wasn't sure how much flour was needed and Estelle thought more sugar the better so it'd taste sweeter.

By the end, both of them were caked in flour and an absolute mess. The kitchen wasn't much better off with egg stains everywhere and flour all over the floor and sugar spilling from its little bag.

“Done.” Estelle smiled proudly, her eyes lit up happily.

“That was harder than I thought.” Leon sighed, wiping the sweat from his brow and at the same time wiping more flour over his face.

On a tray were square shaped pancakes, how they got to be like that no one will ever know. Besides the pancakes were oddly colored muffins, Estelle thought making them look like rainbows with food coloring was a good idea. And French toast that looked like it'd seen better days. Not to forget the chocolate cookies that Leon made shaped like stars...That is they were meant to be stars but turned out more like some deformed tree.

Leon picked up the tray and together they headed to the bedroom where you still slept. By this time you would soon be waking up as the time they spent in the kitchen was several hours. Carefully stepping inside the bedroom, the sunlight was already peaking through the curtains. Just as they thought, you had started to stir and opened your bleary eyes. You blinked a few times at the sight until your eyes finally adjusted and you noticed the tray.

“Good morning. What's this?” You asked looking at the tray in Leon's hands.

“We made you breakfast.” Leon said.

“That's right. For the best mummy in the world!” Estelle added, giggling in delight.

Your entire face lit up and you beamed at them. Feeling warm inside from their kind gesture.

“That makes me so happy. Thank you. Both of you.”

Leon comes closer and hands you the tray, “Here. For my lovely wife.” Leon said with a tiny smile.

With a smile you looked at the contents on the tray but upon getting a closer look your face dropped and you started to inwardly panic. You had no clue what kind of horror awaited you in the form of this home cooked breakfast. You looked up to the pair trying your hardest to keep smiling, although your mouth twitched slightly.

“It looks like quite the special breakfast.” You said through a forced smile.

Estelle clapped her hands together and jumped up and down happily, “Try some, mummy. Want me to feed you?”

“N-No. It's okay.” You shook your head and turned back to the tray. You said a silent pray before picking up the fork and trying the least ominous looking dish of the lot. ‘Can't go wrong with pancakes? ...Right?’

As soon as the odd shaped pancakes hit your tastebuds you could do nothing but cringe at the unexpected taste. You had to use all your willpower to not cough, especially with the two faces watching you closely in anticipation.

“Did you like it?” Estelle asked.

“Of course she did. We made it after all.” Leon said with a bit too much confidence.

“Y-Yes. It's quite something alright.” You awkwardly nodded. You didn’t know how you'd survive the morning. You'd only just started on the pancakes and there was still several other dishes to try.

It would definitely be a day you'd never forget, that's if you survive the morning.

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