Now And For Eternity- Leon

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Leon's POV

Sitting at the desk in my room I carefully look over important documents. ...Well it was more like that was what I was trying to do but my mind just wasn't focused on my work. I shuffled through several files but they all register as a blur to me. In frustration I slam the documents on the desk and lean back on my chair.

Absentmindedly, I stare up at the ceiling. I was lost in my thoughts, going over something _____ had told me not too long ago, 'Our anniversary... she made it sound like a big deal. These humans celebrate the strangest things. Why should it matter how long we have been together?' I found myself sighing as I thought about it.

I wasn't sure what to do for this anniversary. I tried to understand the meaning of it but it was all so foreign to me. I intended to stay with her forever so why should we need to celebrate how long we have been together?

I recalled how she seemed so excited about it... I didn't know what this feeling was inside of me but seeing her so happy made me want to please her. Though I didn't care either way I wanted to make her happy in my own way. I wanted to show her as many times as it was needed just how much I loved her. I would spend my life proving to her my heartfelt feelings.

'...I like seeing her smile.' I slightly nodded to myself as I accepted it. Though I wouldn't so easily declare how I felt, that's just not who I am. And she knows that. It's the kind gestures that I only show to her that tells her just how I feel.

Still, I didn't know what to do in my predicament. I was wracking my brain but couldn't come up with a single clue on what I should do for our three month anniversary. I didn't have much time left to think. With every ticking of the clock my time dwindled away. The fated day of our anniversary, it was...tomorrow!

I decided to leave my room behind me and go relax in the living room with my thoughts.

When I arrived there was no one else around. I went to sit on the couch and began mulling over what to do. It wasn't long before the silence around me was Interrupted as Ichthys, Dui and Teorus walked into the room. They were idly chatting away together with grins on their faces. I could only imagine what that problem child might be plotting.

'Oh great. The terrible trio.' I rolled my eyes, attempting to ignore them.

But that was easier said than done. They seemed to have picked up on my unease and started to question me but I continued to try zone them out.

"Hey. Don't just ignore us." Teorus whined, looking sulky.

"There must be something wrong. It's not usual to see him so lost in thought." Dui remarked and the other two looked at Dui for a moment before turning back to me, slowly nodding their heads as if they understood.

I could feel my blood start to boil. I just wanted peace and quiet but they insisted on being a pain. They should consider themselves lucky I don't have the time to threaten them right now; they wouldn't be so readily annoying me if i did.

They had now formed a little circle and started talking between themselves trying to work out what might be bothering me. I swore I even heard the word 'prank' mixed in with their chatter.

'The hell. They better not dare think about pranking me now if they value their lives.' I was silently glaring daggers into their backs from my seat when another god stepped into the room. The last person I wanted to see... The annoying Scorpion.

I quietly clicked my tongue and folding my arms, I made sure to avoid eye contact with him and focused on my lap instead. But that didn't stop him from speaking to me.

I could feel his steady gaze on me as he spoke, "Tch. I was hoping to not run into you today." The annoyance in his tone shined through. It wasn't like I was any happier seeing him.

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