Taking Care Of You While Sick

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I  know I said i wouldn't do anymore tonight but I'm sick and couldn’t sleep so I thought this was perfect.


-Mumbles something about you being a troublesome goldfish
-Actually doesn't mind at all about watching you
-Is careful to not be too loud
-Stays by your side for as long as you need
-Clumsily prepares meals for you
-Thankfully they are edible
-Makes small talk with you so you don't feel lonely
-Watches over you as you sleep
-Has to resist the urge to kiss you because you looked so adorable
-Doesn't care in the least when you ask him for something
-Acts like it bothers him but he is very much enjoying looking over the one he loves
-Wishes for you to get well fast


-Panics when sees how sick you are
-Blurts out multiple questions in his panicked state
-You tell him to calm down you weren't dying after all
-Scorpio takes a few deep breaths to calm down but can't hide his embarrassment
-Forgetting about his previous exaggeration Scorpio makes sure the room temperature is just right for you
-Struggles with finding a towel for your forehead
-Finally finds one and after wetting it he accidentally drops it on your face
-Embarrassed by his mistake he quickly grabs it and properly places it on your forehead
-He offers to massage your aching hands
-Holds your hand the whole time as you sleep
-Gently strokes your hair with his free hand as he admires you


-Makes sure you are properly fed
-Even helps you to bathe despite your embarrassment
-Tells you bedtime stories to help you sleep
-Gets into bed with you and holds you in his arms because you were feeling cold
-Gently strokes your back through coughing fits
-Keeps you company the whole time so you didn't have to feel lonely
-Softly kisses your head as you sleep and says he loves you
-Enjoys hearing your soft breaths as you sleep even if they are a bit labored
-Snuggles up against your back and falls asleep along with you
-Eats lots of ice cream with cherry pie with you since you were sick it was okay to pig out a little
-Enjoys watching over you


-Makes you very nutritious drinks since you have trouble eating
-Helps get your fever down by lowering the temperature in your room
-Stays by your side for several days making sure you were well looked after
-Helped you walk when you needed to go to the bathroom
-Also helped you change clothes
-Huedhaut actually enjoyed taking care of you while you were sick as it was something different from normal
-When you wanted to watch TV he snuggled up with you and you watched it together until falling asleep in his arms
-He is very careful to keep still so as not to wake you
-Only using his hand to stroke your hair and cheek which seems to bring a smile to your face


-Did his best to make you smile as laughter was the best medicine
-He played all kinds of tricks for you and even made your room into a mini planetarium so you could see the stars
-Offers you candy because candy tastes good and makes you happy
-He just wants to admire your happy face as you eat the candy
He did his best to see you were fed and properly hydrated as you didn’t have the strength to get out of bed
-He fed you all of your meals refusing to let you feed yourself
-Ichthys hated seeing you so sick but when he could bring a smile to your face that in turn made him happy too


-He refused to let you get out of bed insisting you were to rest until you recovered
-Any places on your body that ached he gave you a gentle massage being careful not to hurt you
-He treated you with the utmost care even if he seemed like a nagging parent
-He made sure to provide you with nutritious meals that would help you recover faster
-He went to Huedhaut earlier to ask for help on what to cook you
-Like Ichthys he also didn't let you feed yourself and instead he fed you
-Also shared chocolates with you because he thought they would make you happy
-Loved to watch you sleep
-You were so irresistibly cute as you slept
-He couldn’t resist pinching your nose, cheeks and any other pinchable places
-He watched over you all night with tender eyes and wishing you a fast recovery

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