MC Being In A Coma: Zyglavis & Karno

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Zyglavis felt numb inside, it was as if the world around him had lost its color the moment he saw your body sleeping on the hospital bed. He didn't know how to feel and his thoughts were a mess. It was as if an intense stabbing pain was playing in his chest. His hands shook as he reached out to touch your cheek, ever so gently he caressed it but knowing you wouldn't respond to his touch was heartbreaking. Zyglavis was at a complete loss at what to do, he didn't even want to give thought of what tomorrow might hold let alone the future. There was a slim chance that you would ever wake up and that was all Zyglavis could hold on to; the hope that you would someday wake up and be apart of his life once more. But days turned into weeks and soon months had gone by and you still looked the same as you did the day it happened- the accident the very well nearly claimed your life and left you in this state. Still, Zyglavis didn't give up. He would cling onto even the faintest shred of hope you would someday recover. He'd never give up on you, not even for a moment. And if by chance you were never to wake up...that was a thought too painful for him to bear. You had become everything to him and to lose his world in a blink of an eye was too cruel for words. Zyglavis just knew it couldn't end like this. It just couldn't. No matter how crazy he went in his wait for your return or how grief stricken he was seeing you day in and day out simply sleeping as he watched over you, longing to hear your voice, Zyglavis wouldn't give up. He'd spend forever by your side if that's what it took. Zyglavis refused to listen to those who told him you were already dead; it was a truth he just couldn't accept even if it did end up becoming reality...Zyglavis would never accept your death and so he closed off his emotions and only focused on you and you alone, staying by your side each and every day in the small hope you would open your eyes once more and look at him with that smile he adored so much.

Karno was in total disbelief the moment he saw you with his own eyes. This has to be some cruel trick he thought. But the sound of the footsteps scurrying along the halls and the beeping of the machine hooked up to you was no lie. Karno shook his head while repeatedly saying the word "no" as he slowly approached you. And when he saw your face and how cold you looked that was when tears began to well up in his eyes. A dull pain spread throughout his chest and he felt sick to his stomach. Karno gently took hold of your hand with one of his shaky ones and brought it to his mouth and placed a small kiss upon it before succumbing to his emotions. Tears overcome him and his face twisted in agony. His heart was being tormented by the waves of emotions killing him within. Karno didn't want to believe the news that you nearly died in an accident and was so badly injured that you may never wake up. But seeing you now... Karno didn't know what to believe any more. No matter how much he yearned for you to open your eyes they wouldn't budge. Karno cried out to you again and again in desperation but you never answered his calls. He was so shaken up by the ordeal that he could barely stand up and had to sit on the chair nearby. Karno hung his head low as his body ached from the pain. He was unable to even think straight as he didn't want to imagine a life without you in it. That was one reality he just couldn't stand to live in. It was far too painful. Karno needed you. He hoped there would be someway to save you but even a god was powerless to help. Karno cursed his right as a god if being one meant he couldn't even save the most important person in his life. He wasn't allowed to break the rules of the heavens and so was forced to watch you, helplessly, never knowing if you would come back to him. The fact of not knowing what the future held killed him even more than just seeing you sleeping on the bed as he wouldn't know if the future was one of happiness or death... If only you would wake up then you both could be happy together once more but if death was to be the path you took then Karno would gladly follow you down that same path. He promised in his heart that wherever you go he would go: In life or in death.

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