The Gods Using Tumblr

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-Is only using it because he lost a bet with you
-Calls himself “Thewildlion”
-Uses your phone to browse through tumblr since Scorpio broke his
-That was until you changed it to “Myprettykitty”
-Leon loses it at seeing his new name and grumbles you are making a mockery of him
-Decides to leave it because you would just do it again
-Grows fond of the name only because you chose it
-Spends hours browsing through tumblr posts, his face going through varying expressions
-”This place is full of idiots”
-Can't believe the stupid things people pull
-Posts pictures of you
-Proudly declares you as his sexy girlfriend
-Gets lost in looking at lion pictures
-You thought the way he intently looked your phone as looked at the lion pictures was rather adorable
-Talks about himself way too much
-Starts posting pictures of himself
-Gains 500 followers in a short time because he is just too handsome
-You get jealous because he gets more followers than you


-You made a tumblr for him
-His name is “bunbun”
-”What the frickin name is “bunbun”?!”
-You thought it was cute though Scorpio was the opposite
-He didn't know if he could face being seen with such a horrendous name
-What if the other gods saw it? He'd be the laughing stock of the century
-Unfortunately he doesn't know how to change his name
-Reblogs lots of posts with apples and rabbits
-”I see your name fits your blog after all”
-”...Shut up”
-Literally only has apples and bunnies on his blog
-Someone sends him in a question about his weird blog
-He gets furious, complaining they have no right to question his taste
-Threatens to punish them for their rude behavior
-Thankfully you talk him out of it
-Continues posting nothing but apples and bunnies and bunny apples


-Started using it because you always were
-Called himself “Mylovelycherrygoddess”
-He says he wanted his two loves in his name
-You were a bit skeptical about his choice and didn't know about been known as a cherry goddess
-Curious about what you look at he checks your blog and sees nothing but pictures of guys
-Shocked he questions you and you say it's just from the fandom you are in and he didn't have to worry because they aren't real
-Grows even more curious about the fandoms
-Looks them up and sees girls everywhere swooning over 2d men
-Comes across shipping wars and is surprised by how narrow minded some people can be
-Somehow gets sucked into the fandoms with you
-Loves posting pictures of you and him together
-Posts pictures of himself saying he is better than any 2d guy
-Tells any guys off who calls you hot in your pictures, saying you are his
-Constantly saying how much he loves you
-You basically become known as the sickeningly sweet couple in every fandom and people start to ship you


-Doesn't even know how he started using tumblr
-Was it because you wanted him to or his own curiosity?
-Calls himself “One-eyed-brilliance”
-Has a picture of him holding you as his display picture
-Constantly questions peoples intelligence after the shocking posts he has come across
-Fears for humanity
-Likes to get lost in tags with interesting facts
-Always posting one motivational quote or another because after what he's seen he thinks humans need it
-After awhile everyone starts coming to him for advice
-Becomes super popular
-Teases you because you said he would be too dull to really stand out
-But jokes on you everyone loves his infinite wisdom


-Was thrilled about using tumblr
-Calls himself “Something-smells-fishy”
-You desperately wanted to question him on his name choice but decided against it
-Confused why his blog got a strike
-”All I did was post an animal video. Why is that bad?”
-Is seriously confused
-Becomes known as the bright and cheery blogger
-Always crashing peoples posts and saying something silly
-It gains him quite the following
-Curious, he check if the other gods have blogs
-Finds them and chaos ensues
-The other gods are left confused when their display pictures change to them in rather embarrassing positions
-Like Zyglavis actually yawning after a tiring day
-Or Scorpio happily eating one of his rabbit apples, he looked so calm and childlike
-Ichthys would definitely be in trouble later but he didn't care, their reactions was totally worth it


-Can't believe he let you convince him to use something as stupid as tumblr
-Calls himself “The-strict-hand-of-justice”
-Everyone thinks he's some hero wannabe
-You mess with him and change his name to “Nagging-mother-in-law”
-Zyglavis is furious and wastes no time in changing his name back and giving you a fitting punishment
-It was hilarious though the way he looked when he saw his new name
-You would do it again
-Is even more worried than Huedhaut about the state of humanity
-”If this is what humans are like nowadays they are doomed”
-Promises to be even stricter with his punishments if it can help cure the stupidity plaguing the world
-Starts lecturing everyone
-Anytime he comes across anything that seems the least bit silly or absurd he will tell them why it's wrong or what they should do to improve
-People start to understand why his tumblr name is what it is
-People actually start to fear him
-He doesn't back down from anything or anyone
-Any hate mail he tactfully and tastefully replies to and leaves everyone in awe of his awesomeness
-Gains everyone's respect
-Even you are left speechless
-Well he was a god after all so no surprise he handles everything differently
-Though you start to wonder if you should ban him from tumblr as he was getting too serious...

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