Leon And Scorpio's Body Switch

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I watched on in exasperation as drama had once again struck the house of the gods.

"Idiot Lion!"

"Idiot?! You were the one who failed to complete your work on time, you lazy-ass Scorpion!"

Leon and Scorpio were at each others throats. Ever since they come back from a meeting in the heavens, they had been hurling one insult after another. It would seem one of them failed to get their work done and was now blaming the other. They never change. 'I wish they would just learn to get along. This is getting exhausting.' I rolled my eyes at the pair, shaking my head.

The other gods watched the exchange alongside me, neither side seeming to want to get in the middle of the pairs heated argument. Huedhaut seemed most disinterested in the display as he sat on the couch with his legs crossed reading a book. 'How does he concentrate on a book when they are being so loud...?' I was amazed at just how relaxed he was. While Teorus and Ichthys, on the other hand, seemed to find the scene rather amusing. They were both sidled up together, whispering in one anothers ears, as they watched their superiors fight it out with amused smiles on their faces. 'Everything is always a game to them.' I shrugged at the pair, leaving them to their childish amusement.
The only one who looked slightly troubled was Dui. He anxiously watched the pair fight, his eyes darting back and forth between them. Dui looked at a loss, knowing better than to step in between such a heated argument, all he could do was observe from the distance. 'Poor guy. He mustn't like seeing them fight.' I smiled sympathetically.

I couldn't take much more of their shouting. The pair just wouldn't quit as they scowled menacingly at each other. Just as I was at my wits end a bright light suddenly filled the room. "What's going on?" I quickly stood from my seat, looking around I could see everything had gone white. The other gods looked just as confused as I did. However, just as quick as the light had appeared it also disappeared; it was over in a flash. Back in the lounge room we all stood in silence, wondering what had just happened.

'Wait.' In our confusion, I noticed the fighting between the two gods had come to a cease. 'I wonder if they had something to do with what just happened?' Leon and Scorpio seemed like they were also taken by the surprise as they both stood in the mood of the room in a daze.

"Have you calmed down now?" I asked as I started to stroll up to them, carefully observing them on the way. But I received no response. On closer inspection, I could see they both looked to be quite out of it. "Leon? Scorpio?" I called out to both of them in worry when I heard Huedhaut speak. "Heh, It would seem they aren't themselves right now..." He muttered to himself, an amused smile flashed across his lips before returning to his book. "What do you mean?" I anxiously asked Huedhaut but he remained fixated to his book, ignoring my question.

Not understanding what was going on, I reached out to Leon. My hand had just barely grazed his shoulder when his whole body jerked and he seemed to have come to. "L-Leon?" I whispered his name, my eyes filled with concern and worry. Looking like he heard me, Leon slowly turned his head towards me, "Don't touch me you filthy human!" He swatted my hand away looking completely disgusted, "Ahh!" I cried out, pulling my hand back. I stared at him in confusion. I was besides myself in grief at how he just treated me.

At that same moment, Scorpio seemed to have finally come to his senses, his words left me speechless, "What the hell? Why can I see my own body!" Scorpio barked. 'His own body...' I didn't understand the meaning of his words. Hearing this, Leon turned towards Scorpio and immediately his face twisted in to one of shock and disgust, "What are you doing in my body?!" Leon hollered.

"Your body?" My head darted between the two in utter disbelief. 'Is this what Huedhaut meant?' The pair glared at one another in disgust, the sight was even more terrifying than before. Seeing them shooting daggers at one another I thought it would end in a bloodbath. "Stuck in the filthy Lions body... What sort of treachery is this?!" Scorpio spat as he gazed down upon hands that were not his own with furrowed brows. "Like I have it any better being stuck in such a loathsome body as this?" Leon scoffed, looking perturbed.

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