Date With Dui At The Amusement Park

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"Are you ready?" Dui asked as you stood in front of a mirror brushing your hair. "Nearly." You replied, focused on your reflection in the mirror. The two of you were about to go out on a date at the amusement park. Dui was eager to get going and couldn't wait to get there. You were also delighted to be able to spend the day with him.

"Finished!" You happily said and Dui's face turned to one of relief after waiting what seemed like forever. "Let's go." He took you by the hand and the two of you left your apartment. You were going to spend your day as a normal couple and so like normal people do you took the train to the amusement park.

You found yourself smiling at the excited god. As soon as you had stepped into the park Dui's eyes were darting one from spot to the next in curiosity and excitement. "Oh, that looks fun!" Dui pointed at a roller coaster in the distance. "Wow! That thing spins in circles. And that goes upside down!" You giggled, a big grin on your face as you watched him get excited over just about everything.

"Huh?" You jumped when Dui suddenly took hold of your hand. "I don't want to lose you." He smiled but then his smile turned mischievous, "Besides, I wanna hold you all day long." You blushed but didn't get the chance to say a word as he pulled you along. Dui led you all the way to the rollercoaster. It already looked big from the distance but up close it really towered over you. "Let's get in line." Dui eagerly dragged you along and got in the line.

The whole time you waited in line Dui excitedly watched the roller coaster go over the tracks again and again as he waited for his turn. You loved that part about him, he really was like a big kid. "Oh, it's our turn!" Dui said in an excited tone and the both of you hurried to get into your cart. Once inside the guards came down and then the cart started to move along the tracks. You glanced towards Dui and his eyes were lit up, he couldn't wait for the ride to get started. The cart slowly made it's way up and once it got to the top you heard Dui mumble, "Boring. Time for some REAL fun!" And then there was a snap. Your eyes turned to one of dread and you immediately braced yourself for the worst. The roller coaster went flying along the track at super fast speed and all that could be heard was the screams of those onboard. You thought you were gonna die, you were moving so fast it felt like you would come off the track. All the while Dui was laughing his head off and looked like he was the only one enjoying the ride.

Once the ride finally came to a stop you couldn't wait to get off. Your legs were weak like jelly and having the floor beneath you sent a wave of relief course through your body, "I could kiss the ground..." You said in a tired voice. Dui looked on at you with amusement, it was easy to see he enjoyed himself.

Wobbling along the way, once you were far enough away from other people you turned to Dui, "What were you thinking? I nearly had a heart attack!" You said in exasperation and Dui smiled, "But you didn't. Don't worry, I would never let anything happen to you." He gave you a kind smile and brushed a finger along your cheek. You sighed, you knew it was pointless to go any further with the conversation; you never could win against him. Though, there would be no more roller coaster rides, you didn't think you would survive a second time.

Worried about what might happen on another ride you decided it would be a good time to stop for lunch. You ordered a pizza and a bottle of water while Dui wandered off. You went to find a table, wondering where Dui had gone to until you saw him coming back with what looked like a dessert in his hands. ""I found some cherry pie!"" He said with a wide grin. You gave a small laugh with a smile and got ready to start on your pizza when Dui stopped you. "What is it?" You asked.

"Let me feed you." He said. You gasped and your eyes went wide, "Out here? I can eat by myself." You shook your head but Dui was persistent. He snatched the pizza away from you and started to pull it apart in bite sized pieces, "Open up." He said with a wicked grin. You resigned yourself and opened your mouth and he fed you the pizza. "How is it?" He asked and you smiled with a blush, "I-It's good." You responded and he looked happy. You were relieved when there was no pizza left and no longer had to be embarrassed.

"Everyone thought we were such a cute couple."


"People were watching us." He smiled and your face went pale. You were even more embarrassed than before and Dui even looked happy about the peoples comments. Dui finished off his piece of cherry pie in a flash and lunch was then over.

You could feel yourself getting exhausted. Dui kept surprising you with one thing after another and it was really wearing on you. You didn't know what you could do that wouldn't affect you in someway. "Hey, let's go on that!" Dui said with excitement in his eyes as he spotted his next target. You on the other hand were wishing you could go home and have a nice relaxing bath. "C'mon, hurry!" Dui grabbed your hand and dragged you along once more. Still, you found yourself smiling at how childlike your boyfriend was; even if he put you through absolute hell he was still the sweetest thing you had ever met and more than anything you knew he loved you dearly.

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