A Love Never Forgetten- Scorpio

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"The sky sure is beautiful tonight." You relaxed on the velvety grass, leaning your head on Scorpio's shoulder.

"Mmm." Scorpio quietly mumbled. You always enjoyed watching the stars with Scorpio, it was one of your favorite pastimes that you could enjoy together.

"Oh. Look. That star is shining really bright tonight." Your face lit up with a bright smile upon seeing your favorite star. It always shone brighter than the rest and on the night Scorpio proposed to you that was the only star shining in the entire sky and has since become your star; a symbol of the love you shared.

"You really love that star." Scorpio said and you giggled, "Of course," You poked his side, "That star is special to me. It always reminds me of how much you love me." You sighed happily, your voice full of emotion.

A blush slowly crept over Scorpio's cheeks, it also didn't help he could read your thoughts only making him more embarrassed, "Tch. You need to shut that mouth of yours." Scorpio quickly sealed your lips with a kiss. After parting from your lips, Scorpio's gaze fell to your enlarged belly, "I still can't believe this is real." He tenderly stroked your belly, "We are really going to have a child."

"Scorpio." You pinched his nose.

"What is it? Dammit woman can't I have a moment without you ruining it." Scorpio frowned though he looked like he was sulking. You started to laugh and surprised him with a quick kiss on the cheek, "Sorry. You looked like you were getting rather sentimental about it that I couldn't help myself."

Scorpio sighed in exasperation before pulling you close to his body and firmly holding you in both his arms, "Our child is going to have one cheeky parent."

You grinned, "Yeah. You better fix that before they are born." You stifled a laugh, your head resting on his chest. Scorpio clicked his tongue and rolled his eyes, "Remind me what it was I saw in you again?"

"My cute charms and adorable personality of course." You giggled and Scorpio sighed, "You are lucky that I love everything about you. Even your playful side."

Scorpio moved back a little to get a better view of your face, "I will never grow tired of looking at you or hearing your voice." he placed a hand on your cheek, "You are the first person to ever make me feel this way. I will cherish you for as long as I live." Scorpio leaned in and kissed you once more.

Sharing in a intimate moment between two people in love under the light of the stars. Oh how much you loved Scorpio. Life was never dull with him around and you were very much excited to what lied ahead in your future and the birth of your child.

Since getting married the two of you had shared a house by a lake in the heavens and every night when the sky was clear the two of you would gaze at the stars together. Scorpio was always very mindful of you and helped whenever he could. He never let you carry anything too heavy or perform any tasks that would burden you. He even learnt how to cook just so he could provide meals for you like a real family when you were too tired to cook yourself.

Scorpio was always thrilled to feel your growing belly and see firsthand the beginning of a new life he helped create as it grew in your belly. You thought it was adorable when he would occasionally talk to your belly as if he was talking to his child and softly kiss it. It allows brought a smile to your face even on miserable days.

The two of you were known as the couple who is a match made in heaven- literally. No one could deny how much you impacted on Scorpio's life and how he changed as a result. He was much happier these days and instead of being filled with hate he was filled with your love.

Any arguments were sorted within the night and ended in a rather intimate makeup session where you both apologized to one another as you kissed and shared in the sweet intimacies of a married couple. Some of the other gods were perhaps even slightly jealous that Scorpio found someone who loved him so dearly and wished they could be so fortunate someday to have the same.

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