Scorpio Watching Over MC

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You madly dashed around your apartment in a hurry to clean it. Scorpio would be arriving any time now. You regretted leaving everything to the last minute, "If I don't hurry he will only make fun of my home again. He already thinks of it as a hovel." With a small smile you shook your head and continued to clean. "Phew. That should be good." You wiped the sweat from your forehead as you proudly looked at your now clean apartment. "Ah!" Suddenly a pain had shot through your head making you feel faint. Holding your head in your hands you mumbled, "N-No... I can't be getting sick now. Scorpio will be here soon..." Your face contorted in pain. You shook your head trying to shake it off. You still felt lightheaded but did your best to ignore it.

Just then, the door opened. 'Ah, he is here.' Doing your best to ignore your throbbing head, you smiled and strolled up to him, "Hey." You said. "Heh." Scorpio looked around your apartment in amusement, "No matter how much you clean it, it is still a hovel." Scorpio smirked. "Hmmph. I worked very hard cleaning it you know." You puffed up your cheeks. "What do you want me to say? Congratulations, you now live in a cleaner hovel then before?" He teased and you rolled your eyes, "Just go sit down." You instructed. "Telling me what to do now? Brave girl." Scorpio smirked but did as you asked. 'Whatever will I do with him.' You smiled to yourself at the thought. You started to head to the kitchen when the pain from earlier returned. You grimaced slightly but did your best to keep it hidden. You didn't want to ruin your precious time alone with him.

"I hope he likes these." You grabbed a plate covered with rabbit apples off the bench. "Rabbit apples?" Scorpio looked surprised to see you carrying the plate filled with rabbit apples towards him. His eyes lit up like a little child getting a treat. "I made these for you." You smiled and handed the plate to him. He happily accepted the plate. "You make the best rabbit apples." He said, taking one of the apples from the plate and stuffing it in his mouth. A contented look lit up his face. 'Hehe, he always looks so cute when he eats them.' "Hey..." Scorpio put his apple down, there was a slight blush on his face. "Huh? ...Oh!" You realized your arm was touching him as you sat on the sofa besides him. "Cute..." You faintly heard him mumble as he placed another apple in his mouth. "I love being able to spend time with you like this. Just being with you is enough to make me happy." You casually remarked with a smile but Scorpio looked lost for words. "You are the one who is too cute." Scorpio muttered with his gaze averted.

As you sat happily besides him, the pain once again returned, you tried your best to keep hiding it but it was too late. "____?" Scorpio was looking directly at you, you could tell by his tone of voice that he knew something was wrong. He brought a hand to your forehead and his eyes grew wide, "You are burning up. Why didn't you tell me you were sick?" He asked, sounding upset. "I'm sorry... I was looking forward to spending time with you so much that I didn't want it to get in the way." You hung your head apologeticlly. "Stupid woman. You should rest when you are sick. We have our whole lives ahead of us but if you wear yourself out and send yourself to an early grave just because you wanted to spend time with me..." Scorpio paused and looked away, his hands were slightly trembling, "I'd never forgive myself. Please, take care of your health." He pleaded, you could see the worry clearly in his eyes, "I will. Thank you." You smiled.  Then, Scorpio stood up, and in an instant, he scooped you up in his arms and took you to the bedroom.

"Take it easy." He said, softly stroking your cheek, "I'll go make you something to eat." He said and was about to walk off but stopped, "You were sick this whole time and here I ate all those apples you so lovingly made for me without even thinking of how you were feeling." He furrowed his brows. "It's okay. Really. I wanted you to eat them. I made them for you because you love them so much. Please, don't feel bad." Your eyes shook with emotion as you spoke. But Scorpio didn't speak a word, looking to still be lost in thought, he left the room. "Scorpio..." You sadly muttered his name.

You patiently waited for him to return. Before long the door opened and in came Scorpio carrying a plate of...rabbit apples?! "Huh?" You were flabbergasted to see what he was carrying. "Here. Apples are nutritious and should be good for you." He said, placing the plate besides you. You were speechless, you wondered why he was gone for so long, you thought he must have been making a feast. But it was only rabbit apples. You imagined him carefully trying to carve each one and you couldn't help but smile. "What?" Scorpio asked, looking irritated, "Nothing." You smiled innocently and grabbed one of the apples from the plate. 'Hehe. He made these with his own two hands.' Though they were a little deformed, they were made with love and just the thought filled you with emotion.

You savored each bite, knowing the man you loved worked hard to make these just for you; without using his power. As you took your last bite you heard a sigh come from his lips, "Scorpio?" You softly said his name. "I should have picked up on your health sooner. I shouldn't have pushed you." It still looked like your health was eating away at him. "Scorpio... It's my fault too. I tried to hide it from you. Please don't blame yourself." You said with a empathetic smile. "I'm supposed to watch over you..." He plopped down on the bed besides you and hung his head. His hands, clenched into fists, rested on his knees. You felt your heart moved with love from seeing how much he cared about you, "Scorpio..." You said his name in a soft whisper and moved towards him, wrapping your arms around him from behind, "Thank you." You said and Scorpio's head slightly jerked in response, "I know how much you care about me. I know you would never fail to protect me If I was in danger. I can always trust in you. I'm sorry for hiding how I felt from you but I promise to always tell you how I feel from now on." You said and squeezed him tighter. "____.... You really are a fool." He smiled, "Only you can make me feel like this. I won't ever let you go. I will always watch over you." He said and turned around, looking you right in the eyes. You could feel the passion burning deep within his eyes. He leaned closer, you closed your eyes as you awaited a kiss but instead were pushed back onto the bed, "What? Were you expecting a kiss?" He chuckled and you puffed out your cheeks, "Meanie." With a teasing grin he leaned closer, "There is plenty of time for sex later, you need to rest now." He smirked and your whole face burnt up. "Ack! Shut up!" You punched him in the shoulder and looked away. Chuckling, Scorpio grabbed the comforter and covered your small form.

"Get better soon. I'll be here watching over you so don't worry just rest." He said and you smiled, feeling relaxed and loved. "Being sick like this isn't so bad." You said and Scorpio looked at you like you went insane. "You really are stupid." He said and you giggled, "Nu-uh. I get you taking care of me and being extra kind as well. I love it when you are sweet to me but I also like it when you tease me too." You innocently smile and Scorpio looked shocked for a moment before leaning in close as if to hide the blush on his cheeks, "Just go to sleep." He whispered.

'I love him so much. My guardian angel.' You smiled and closed your eyes but as soon as you did you felt something soft on your lips. You quickly opened your eyes to see Scorpio looking down a you with a blush on his face, 'Huh? He's blushing but he's the one who kissed me. ...Oh! He must have read my mind. ...Gosh, how embarrassing.' My face immediately went hot at the thought and I closed my eyes again, "I'm going to sleep now." I declared in a hurry to hide my embarrassment. "Heh, gaurdian angel... And you are my shining star among the darkness. ...I love you." He muttered so you couldn't hear and placed one last kiss on your forehead before you fell asleep.

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