The Love Potion- Zyglavis

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The light dimly shone through the window signaling the start of a new day. Cringing against the bright light, you squeezed your eyes before slowly opening them into a squint. Yawning, you stretched out your arms; everything was still pretty hazy and for some reason you had a pounding headache.

Still feeling a bit disoriented, you pulled off the covers and got out of bed. That was when you noticed something was not right.

“Hmm… Wait. I?” With your vision slightly less blurry, you now saw you were not in your own room.

Your head shot towards the bed and what you saw made you nearly jump out of your skin.

“Zy-Zy-Zyg…” You couldn’t even finish talking as your blood pressure skyrocketed and your legs grew weak causing you to fall to the floor.

There on the bed was Zyglavis, looking horrified and stark naked, his eyes on you.

That was when you realized you also were wearing no clothes, “Ahhh! Where are my clothes?!” You shrieked.

“I do not know what happened here but this definitely is not good.” Zyglavis spoke, sounding serious.

“Of course it isn't good!” You barked. Looking around you found your clothes...strewn about the room. You had many questions on your mind but no answers. ...Just what happened last night?!

“Close your eyes!” You ordered, flustered, “I am going to put my clothes back on.”

“Very well. Hurry up.” Zyglavis closed his eyes and waited for you to dress. Once you finished Zyglavis also hurried and dressed himself.

“Do you think… Oh gods.” You bit your lip in worry. Though Zyglavis didn’t look like he was about to deny your assumption. “You are a god, aren't you? Shouldn't you remember what happened?!”

That was true, he should remember but…

“As a god I have a perfect memory. However…” Zyglavis looked troubled by the fact the previous night was a blur to him. “Last thing I recall is partaking in the banquet with the other gods.”

“Huh. Actually, that's the last thing I remember too…” How strange, you both last remember dining with the other gods before waking up naked in Zyglavis bedroom.

“Great. What if one of the other gods did something...” You sighed in frustration. “I...I can't believe this is happening…”

“Let's not jump to conclusions. Just because we woke up in the same room naked together doesn't necessarily mean anything happened.” Zyglavis said, trying to help you calm down. Though he himself was really shaken up inside, worried about what really occurred, but he couldn't let his insecurities show in front of you.

“I guess so.” You replied half-heartedly, still not convinced but there was no point stressing over it any further.

“For now we better go find the other gods and question them,” Zyglavis said, his eyes narrowing, “I have a pretty good idea who may be behind all this.” Zyglavis looked quite terrifying. You knew he could only be thinking about one god...Ichthys.

Together, you went to look for the other gods.

Just your luck, Ichthys along with Dui and Scorpio was in the department of punishments.

“Oh. Hey~” Ichthys greeted you both with a carefree smile, unaware of what happened.

Scorpio immediately picked up something wasn't right by the scary aura Zyglavis was giving off.

“Did something happen?” Scorpio asked with a questioning gaze.

“What happened last night?” Zyglavis promptly asked and the three other gods expressions all turned to one of surprise.

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