Where They Would Take You On A Date

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Aries: They would take you somewhere quiet where there would be no one around to interrupt you. Some place like a deserted beach or even on a mountain walk. Hidden from prying eyes allows them to be overly affectionate with you.

Taurus: Theme park. That's right a theme park. They want to have a good time with you by their side and sharing in the thrill of the rides. You would share ice cream and take silly photos at the photo booth, and receive the unexpected kiss which gets caught on camera. There would be many wonderful memories made during their date.

Gemini: A cherry field would be their ideal spot. Walking through the field with you at one side and cherries at the other. Two of their favourite things in one place. They couldn't ask for more. You can count on many surprise attacks throughout the day, kissing you when you least expect it. They just want to shower you with their love.

Cancer: They would take care in choosing the perfect date spot. Cancer's would carefully research until they found that one perfect place. Things like watching the cherry blossoms while idly chatting away in the company of their lover is something they cherish most. Seeing your smile at the end of the day is what makes them truly happy.

Leo: A relaxing picnic with nothing but the wonders of nature around them. They find a certain calm being surrounded by such beauty. You being the most beautiful of all. Leo's would prepare only the finest of food for you to partake in. After lunch they would take a stroll through the field, simply enjoying the feel of your touch and the joy of being by the one they loved.

Virgo: They would take you to the opera. A place that is dignified and refined as themselves. Though they will hardly be able to stay focused on the event with you by their side. Don't count on seeing much of the show as they have their way with you. Kissing you relentlessly with a teasing grin and freely moving their hands over your clothes. They will be sure to leave you exhausted and gasping for air.

Libra: They would take you to an art museum. A place vast in knowledge of the arts. At first they would attempt to show off their smarts by educating you on the different pieces. But at some point they would glance between you and the art and realize you are far prettier than any painting or sculpture. No picture could ever capture your beauty for you were perfect. Their perfect piece of art that no one could ever recreate no matter how hard they tried. You were indeed something they could never let go.

Scorpio: They would take you out to see the stars. Dinner on the beach with the stars above. They would be content with just knowing you are there. After dinner they would wrap their arms around you and the two of you would lay with the sand below as you gazed at the wonders of the night sky shining like jewels above.

Sagittarius: They wouldn't hold back. Built to impress they'd take you to the most luxurious restaurant in town. You would dine in fine wine while gazing into one anothers eyes. The food would be like nothing you have ever had the pleasure of experiencing before. At the end of delightful evening they would take you to a hotel room they booked, prepared to spend the night pleasuring you.

Capricorn: Someplace relaxing. Like a stroll through a flower garden. They would take their time and enjoy the moment while keeping a firm grip on your hand. They want to assure you never part from them for even a moment. You keep them revitalized. Sometimes they would even pull you in behind a flower bush to secretly make out with you, something totally unexpected from them.

Aquarius: They would take you out to a elegant ballroom where the two of you could dance the night away. They want to be able to hold you close and confirm your existence. Holding you in their arms and feeling your heartbeat makes them happier than you know. You two would take it slow all night just holding one another while gazing in each others eyes, sharing in the occasional kiss.

Pisces: These guys are oddly interested in the mysteries of the ocean. You can count on them often dragging you along to the aquarium. The only thing that interests them more than the creatures in the sea is you and their love for you. You will find yourself smiling uncontrollably in their presence as they gleefully bound about the aquarium.

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