Jealously- Leon

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"Why are you always hanging out with him lately?" Leon questioned you in a demanding tone. It looked like something was bothering him.

"What are you talking about? Am I not allowed to talk to other men?" You cocked your head, looking confused by his question.

Leon was getting irritated by your innocent act and started frowning, "Don't play dumb with me. I've seen you. You are always hanging around Huedhaut lately. I couldn't care less if you spent time with the other gods but you seem to be favoring him. Why?" Leon narrowed his eyes and looked at you intently. He expected an answer and fast.


You froze up. Your eyes darted about looking for an answer. It was supposed to be a secret but you were planning a surprise for Leon and Huedhaut was helping. You didn't think he'd get so jealous.

"It was meant to be a surprise..." Your shoulders slumped and you looked deflated, "I didn't think you could get so jealous." You casually remarked.

Leon's eyes shot open, "I am not jealous. More importantly, what is this surprise you speak of?" He was acting rather defensive but quickly tried to change the subject as he knew It was probably true, he was jealous.

"It's our six month anniversary of being together this weekend and I wanted to do something for you. I asked Hue not to tell you so I could surprise you but I guess that was pointless now, huh?" You sighed and bit your lip as you looked disappointed.

"You were doing it for me?" Leon was dumbstruck by this revelation. He was instantly overcome by regret. And now felt rather awkward at his previous outburst.

"You stupid Lion. I can't keep anything from you. I guess it's pointless to surprise you anyway." You were now grinning, seeing it was useless to remain disappointed.

"Thank goodness she wasn't falling for Hue..." Leon mumbled and then looked at you, "I will just have to make it up to you." His lips twisted devilishly, "This weekend we will go somewhere romantic and I will be sure to spend my time pleasuring you like never before. Look forward to it."

"Uh... Wait. Leon!" You called out to him as he walked away with a triumphant smile while your protests fell on deaf ears. You would just have to accept it and take everything he gives you. Although, it looks like in the end you were the one who was surprised.

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