Sick- Scorpio

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"Troublesome woman." Scorpio grumbled.

"Sorry, but I can't help it if I get sick." You said nonchalantly.

"Troublesome human." Scorpio grumbled again. Complain as he did Scorpio still readily took care of you.

"Oh, now it's humans is it?" You said with a small smile in amusement.

"Tch. Humans are so weak getting sick."

"Well sooorry. I am just a weak human after all." You wryly smiled and Scorpio just clicked his tongue.

"Stop talking back to me and start acting sick like you really are." Scorpio ordered and pushed you back onto the bed and set a damp towel over your forehead.

"Haha. Sorry. I couldn't help it. You were just so cute with the way you carried on." You giggled. Scorpio was just too adorable for your sick self.

However, Scorpio was not amused from being called 'cute'.

"Don't call me cute. I'm not cute. I'm the opposite of cute." He protested, though his cheeks were stained pink.

"Nope. You are definitely cute." You smiled.

"Your sickness has gone to your head. You must be insane to think I'm cute." Scorpio furrowed his brow and clenched his jaw.

But you wouldn't give up. Maybe it was your illness speaking but you couldn't stop yourself from trying to get him annoyed.

"I can't help it. Not when you are still acting cute at this very moment." You looked at him with a playful expression and Scorpio immediately tensed up and looked away.

"Tch. Don't say another word." His face was even redder than before.

You were about to continue on but instead broke out into a coughing fit.

"___?!" Concerned, Scorpio immediately came to your side and sat you up and rubbed your back.

"Thanks...Scorpio..." The coughing finally subsided but it left you feeling weak and your voice hoarse.

You laid back down as your sickness just got a lot worse so suddenly and you no longer had the strength to tease him.

"Just sleep. I'll be right here." Scorpio's voice was soft and warm. It put you at ease.

You smiled and weakly nodded in response. Scorpio gently took your hand and remained close by your side. His earlier embarrassment had all but vanished as the only thing on his mind was you. Scorpio wouldn't leave your side until you recovered and did all he could in taking care of you through your illness.

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