Some HCs Of Dui As A Father

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-Spoils his child. They want that piece of chocolate you said they couldn't have? Dui secretly gives it to them when you aren't looking. But you know. You know.

-Loves to carry his child around, especially on his shoulders. They can be closer to the stars that way.

-Always stargazing with you and his child. The three of you lay on the grass with your child snuggled in between and count the stars together and spot the constellations.

-Panics whenever his child gets hurt. Frantically paces about and can't calm down. “Calm down. It's just a scratch.” He knows that but still can't stop worrying. His child got hurt after all and he doesn't want to see his child in pain.

-Enjoys listening to his child tell him about their day at school and encourages and supports them if they ever feel pressured or stressed.

-Loves playing hide-n-seek with his child. Often lets them win just so he can see them happy.

-Sometimes his child will come to him with food asking him to eat it. He doesn't know where they get all this food from and doesn't have the heart to tell them that it tastes terrible. You keep it a secret they are getting it from the school cafeteria. They bring it home because they think their daddy likes it.

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