The Gods Stories

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This is something I wrote with my friend.  We wanted to make a story as if the gods wrote them. I wrote for: Zyglavis, Dui, Scorpio, Leon and Aigonorus. While she wrote: The King, Karno, Teorus, Huedhaut and Ichthys. They are basically silly, nonessential stories but were so much fun to write.

Ichthys: Once upon a time in a kingdom not as far away as you’d imagine lived a Princess.

King: This kingdom, not as far away as you’d imagine, was on the brink of war, with the people of the sea.

Dui: The sea people were enraged that the land people were stealing their fish but the land people didn't care.

Teo: However, the Land Men, thought that if they continued to catch large fish the sea women would be impressed and lavish them with attention.

Leon: But how foolish they were, what woman would ever love a man over some pathetic fish?

Hue: In fact, the theft and over fishing of the seas drove the sea women take up arms with the sea men and prepare for battle.

Scorpio: The women of the seas would make the foolish men bleed for taking their freakin’ fish because how dare they?!

Karno: The men on land could not believe their good intentions were so ill-received, that they knelt on the ground and prayed to the gods.

Zyglavis: If only they didn't succumb to their own base desires all this may have been avoided but these men were far too vain.

Aigonorus: Even prayers to the gods wouldn't help them now, oh how they wished they just stayed in bed.

Ichthys: One man looked towards the village elder, “My lord, what can we do to save ourselves,” he whimpered in fear.

King: The son of the village elder, shook his head at the men laying on the ground. “I warned you time and time again, to not take more from the sea than is needed.”

Dui: The men burst out into desperate pleas but what were they to do? They were far beyond saving that not even the gods would listen.

Teo: While the village men wept with sorrow, the son of the village elder went to whisk the now forgotten princess away to marry her.

Leon: How dare the village elders son marry the princess from the sea and take her all for himself, both the village people and the sea people were in an uproar.

Hue: The Village Elders son and the Princess of the Sea, were happily wed, until both of their fathers showed up at their castle.

Scorpio: “How dare you marry my daughter!” The sea King growled, “This is mutiny! You were to have nothing to do with the sea princess!” The village elder looked down upon his son.

Karno: “Father, I love him,” sobbed the sea princess, “Marrying him would bring me happiness and possibly peace to our peoples.”

Zyglavis: Both fathers froze at her earnest plea but their feud that has gone on for centuries over control of the fish still had them riled up.

Aigonorus: However, getting tired of this feud both fathers sighed and agreed to leave the marriage be and decided it was time for a break from this rivalry.

Ichthys: In honor of the new found peace and the happy couple, the town fool, set up a lavish party in celebration, with many hidden pranks included.

King: However, during the party, one young man said,  “The sea peoples food tastes weird,” and the war started all over again.

Dui: That was until they discovered the fool who set up for this to happen, “You will be sentenced to death!” Echoed the village elder.

Teo: The Village fool ran from the armed guards into the hills never to be seen again, and the lavish party continued the men watching the beautiful women dance.

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