Curves- Tauxolouve

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"I bought you a new dress." Tauxolouve said, holding up a red wine colored dress.

"Oh, that's pretty." You sighed in awe of its beauty.

"Not as pretty it will look when it's on you." Tauxolouve winked seductively and snapped his fingers and in an instant the dress was now tightly clinging to your body.

"W-What? But we aren't going anywhere tonight." You said in surprise, your eyes wide.

Tauxolouve chuckled, "I know. I just wanted to see your sexy curves accented by this gorgeous dress." He said, coming closer and wrapping an arm around your waist.

"L-Lou..." You gasped as his hand started to slide up and down your hips.

"Heh. Now all that's left is undressing you." He said with a hint of mischief.

"Wait. But you only just dressed me?!" You frantically protested but Tauxolouve was completely calm.

"That's the point. I dress you so I can then take the dress off you." He gave a flirtatious grin and you could only listen in disbelief.

You felt his hand brush against your skin as he worked on getting the dress off of you, his hands still sliding over your beautiful curves whenever he could.

"Lou..." You sighed but couldn't help but smile. He was the man you loved and you were powerless to resist his mature charms.

"No more beautiful than your naked body." Tauxolouve smiled in admiration causing your cheeks to flare up.

But before you even had a chance to speak he caught your lips in a passionate embrace and gently pushed you onto the bed.

There would be no escape now as you surrendered to his whims allowing him to pleasure you all night long.

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