MC Getting Frisky With The Gods

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Leon held you soundly in his arms as you both sat on his bed. It was the first time in so long you had been able to spend quality time with him as he had been busy in the heavens. You had missed him so much that now he was with you holding you in his arms all your feelings came bubbling up to the surface. You held a deep longing for him, for his love. Trying to keep your desires in check almost seemed futile as you leaned up in a surprise attack and gave him a quick peck on the lips. Leon's eyes widen in response, he was momentarily caught off guard by your unusual boldness; a smirk soon curls on his lips, Leon was amused by your uncharacteristic actions. Unable to just stop there, though, your body was hungry for him and had to have more. You slip out of his arms and get on your knees positioning yourself in front of him. Leon didn't even so much as flinch, watching your every move. In one quick movement you shoved Leon back on the bed and got on top of him. You look at him hungrily and don't miss a beat as you thrust your lips onto his. Leon accepting you completely, not seeming to mind in the least. Then, your hands work their way down to his clothes and slowly you began to undress him, your lips still joined with his all the while. Having taken off his last article of clothing you toss them to the side, treating them like some nuisance. You follow by also stripping off your own clothes. Free from the clothes your skin gently rubbed against his. You slid your hands down his broad, muscular chest as he wraps his arms around you and buries his face into your neck. You moan out in pleasure at the intense sensation his touch on your skin leaves you. He trails down your neck softly sucking on your skin as his hands glide along your back and gently rubbing your body. The both of you were completely lost in your desires. Leon welcomed the change of pace and there was no way you would be letting him go anytime soon. That night was a long, heated one indeed.

Dui: It all started off as cuddles and tender kisses, but tonight that wasn't doing it for you. You had a fire burning deep inside and an uncontrolled passion was set ablaze. You were being urged on by these desires having lost all reason you threw yourself at Dui and pushed him back on the bed. Dui looks momentarily shocked by the unexpected surprise and wondered what had gotten into you but you didn't even pay attention to his words as you greedily sought out his lips and kiss him rather forcefully. Though surprised at first, Dui quickly relaxes into this sudden change and readily accepts everything you have to give him; he even urges you on more and telling you to do whatever you like to him. When you started to strip him of his clothes there was a devilish smirk on his face showing he was thoroughly enjoying it. Dui happily admired your naked form from beneath, it wasn't every day he got to see you from this angle. You ran your hands all over his body, as your bare skin rubbed against his; it set your skin aflame, your whole body came to life at the touch. The sounds of two people in love filled the quaint bedroom; it was a good thing the other gods were currently out or they would be subjected to something they'd rather not hear. Every time your lips touch Dui's for an intense kiss he would give you just as much back. Your ragged breaths was mixed with his own, neither of you could get enough of the other. There was no end in sight to this passion filled night, it would be one that would last all night.

Huedhaut: You were feeling rather frisky tonight. Huedhaut mentioned about just having a quiet night as you had been busy lately and must be tired. But you were anything but tired, you had an intense longing for Huedhaut that your whole body was shuddering. You couldn't stay still and just cuddle with him all night, no, you wanted- needed more. You knew Huedhaut might have tried talking you out of it if you mentioned your feelings and so you had to take action while he was unaware. Huedhaut, holding your hand, walked with you to his bed. Soon as you were close enough you engaged your attack and pushed him back onto the bed and jumped on top. Huedhaut was stunned by your actions and didn't even speak a word as you looked down at him with fiery, passion filled eyes. Seeing the look in your eyes Huedhaut knew there would be no taming the beast within you and let you carry on dominating him. The tiniest of smirks curled on his lips as you stripped him and yourself of your clothes. You moaned out from the intense pleasure of him nibbling the skin of your breasts. His breaths turned raspy and the both of you were breathing heavily and dripping with sweat from the heat of your joined bodies. Huedhaut couldn't have been happier to have you ravishing him in a such a way. Only he was ever allowed to see you act so entirely uninhibited and out of control. That would be one night he would never forget and wished to see that side of you many more times in the future.

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