MC Being Turned Into A Little Kid

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"How did we get into this mess..." Scorpio grumbled. Everyone had gathered together and was gazing upon what was now a rather tiny you. It turned out one of Ichthys pranks had gone horribly wrong and the results being you having turned into a little kid. Unfortunately, the effects were irreversible and all they could do was wait for it to wear off. "How long will she remain this way?" Leon questioned Ichthys with a piercing glare. Ichthys shied away and began to stutter his words, "I-I can't say. Anywhere from a few hours to a few days to...a few w-weeks." Everyone gasped, their eyes wide as saucers. They couldn't even begin to imagine watching over you for such a time, they hoped it wouldn't take that long and ended up wearing off fast. But in the meantime, it would be up to them to watch over the now six year old you.

"Now, how are we going to work this?" Scorpio asked, glancing between everyone in the room. Everyone looked at one another and Huedhaut was the first to speak, "We should split it up into teams. In the morning, Leon will work with Scorpio. In the afternoon Dui and Ichthys can take over and at night that leaves Teorus with Myself." Huedhaut spoke what seemed like a sound plan, but little did they know things wouldn't be so easy. After all, kids are unpredictable. Everyone nodded in agreement, that is everyone but Leon and Scorpio whom were glaring at one another in disgust.

"You seriously put me with this?" Leon spoke of Scorpio as if he was some monster. "I am not working with this unruly Lion." Scorpio huffed. Huedhaut's eye twitched and he silently glared at the two gods who shuddered under the intensity of his glare. Seeing the two gods lost for words, Huedhaut smiled in satisfaction.

"Um, where did ___ go?" At Teorus's words everyone's heads jerked towards where you should have been but you were no longer there. "She's gone." Dui spoke the obvious, surprise all over his face. The gods all started to panic and split up and begun searching for you.

"___! Where are you?" Ichthys called out. Standing besides him, Dui looked perplexed, "Will she really tell you where she is if you asked?" Ichthys stopped for a moment at this and shrugged, "Beats me." He replied and continued to call out to you. Dui was still left confused with his thoughts but more importantly he was worried about your wellbeing.

In a different part of the house, Leon and Scorpio wandered around together in search of you. "That troublesome girl. Take your eyes off of her for one second and she uses it to make her escape." Scorpio sounded annoyed. Leon snickered, "She is crafty. But maybe if you stopped attacking me and did a better job of watching her this never would have happened." Hearing that Scorpio turned to him with a scowl while Leon looked smug. "Don't put the blame on me. You are just as much to blame." Scorpio refuted but Leon still looked as blase as ever.

"I should have never taken my eyes off of her..." Huedhaut blamed himself for what happened. Teorus, though, was smiling, "Don't beat yourself up over it. We will find her. Besides, we are all at blame here." He tried to cheer Huedhaut up. Huedhaut looked to him and gave a small nod as thanks and continued the search.

It wasn't until some time later that one group had finally found you. "Found her!!" Ichthys shouted enthusiastically and ran up to your side. It turned out you had been running away from the gods the whole time and why they could never seem to find you no matter how hard they looked, but eventually you grew tired and fell asleep on Ichthys bed.

"Hehe, she is adorable sleeping like this." Dui smiled, tenderly admiring your sleeping form. Ichthys, though, was confused to why you were sleeping on his bed. "Maybe she liked all the toys and decided your room was best." Dui mentioned and Ichthys nodded, seemingly happy with this.

The gods were relieved that you had finally been found and was surprised how long you managed to elude them. They made sure to keep a close watch on you from then on.

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