What They Fear/Worry About

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Aries: They don't show their fear upfront. Aries worry that one day someone may find them smiling while enjoying a good book or watching tv, ruining their tough image they worked so hard on.

Taurus: That someday they might not be able to tell that special someone how much they love them. Nothing scares them more.

Gemini: They fear loneliness. Gemini want to be surrounded by friends or even by that one special someone. They enjoy the company of another and want to be able to share in one anothers happiness.

Cancer: They worry about hurting the ones closest to them. Cancer's want nothing more than to see those they love happy but when they are sad or in pain, it's as if Cancer's share in their pain themselves.

Leo: They worry that someday the people closest to them might simply forget their existence. Leo's need to know you love them otherwise they will get depressed.

Virgo: They fear the loss of their freedom. Virgo like to move at their own pace the way they wish to. Take away that freedom and you might just incur the wrath of the Virgo.

Libra: They worry about failing to fulfill the task required of them. They are very hard on themselves and will do their best to keep going until the task is complete.

Scorpio: They worry their past might come back to haunt them. It's hard for them to just put it behind and move on. Only with the support of their friends will they be able to move on.

Sagittarius: They fear rejection. Sagittarius love to make friends. Sometimes even acting like a bit of a flirt but when someone turns them away or mistakes their gestures for something completely different from intended it hurts them.

Capricorn: They worry something or someone will come along and mess up their schedule. They like to get things done right on time, the quicker they finish their duties the quicker they can spend the rest of their day relaxing.

Aquarius: More than anything they fear of losing the one they love. They become very attached to that special someone and to lose them would be like losing ones self.

Pisces: They worry about dying prematurely and leaving behind their loved ones. More than anything they desire to live a full life and find happiness with the one they love.

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