Jealous King

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Lately, you had been called to the heavens more often than you could even recall. You didn’t know what the King was up to but it appeared he had his mind set on you. It felt like you hardly had time for yourself as the King kept bringing you to the heavens.

Worse, you didn't even know why he was doing it. There was never anything important to discuss, he would simply chat with you saying he found humans intriguing.

“I'm sorry Your Highness but I really must be going now.” You stood from the floor in the throne room where you had been sitting. “I promised Dui and Ichthys I would watch a movie with them.”

You bowed your head and got ready to leave. However, the King looked rather miffed when you mentioned the gods names. His lips pursed and he seemed to be thinking.

“Your Highness?” You felt an uneasiness hanging in the air. It made you shudder.

“You really like those foolish gods, do you not?” The King asked with an icy stare.

“Well, yeah. They are fun to be with.” You cautiously replied.

“I see.” It almost looked like he was pouting beneath his cold demeanor.

You started to grow uncomfortable with the suffocating atmosphere but suddenly the King was smiling, surprising you.

“You should forget about the other gods for now. Right now you are spending time with me.” The Kings smile was awfully scary. There was no way you could talk back.

“But I prom-”

“That doesn't matter.” The King suddenly stood up, “What if I said I wanted you for myself?” He said as he slowly approached you.

“W-What do you mean?” You gulped, instinctively backing away as your body was overcome with worry.

“What else is there to say? I've observed you for some time as you interact with the other gods. You are unlike other humans. Possibly because you are a former goddess.” The King looked alluring as he inched ever closer, you thought you much be trapped in his captivating aura. “I want you to be mine.”

“Ahh?!” You shrieked, surprising even yourself but the fact the King just asked you to be his warranted such a reaction. “B-B-But… That would never work.” You frantically shook your head in refusal.

The King chuckled, looking proudly at you, “I am The King. I can bend the rules a little, after all you do have your goddess lineage. You may be human now but you were once a goddess.”

“Do you really think that would work?” You looked at the King like he was crazy.

“It does not matter. Either way I shall take you for myself.” You had been backed up against the wall,The King had you pinned between it and his body. “You really do have beautiful eyes.”  He said as he held your chin.

“Your Highness… You are making a mistake. I'm not worth your time.” You protested, your body shivering from the King's touch.

The King scoffed, “You think too little of yourself. I have taken an interest in you that makes you worthy of my time.”

Suddenly, The King backed away giving you some space, “Do not worry. I will not force you into anything at this time. But I do want you to come to realize I won't let you be anyone else's. I will have you become mine, whether it's this year or the next. You will come to want me too.”

The King's declaration made you speechless. Were you really going to be his? Would you really come to love him? It was all too much it made you lightheaded.

“And try not to spend so much time with the Zodiac gods. It will only make me jealous and I think you rather not see what I do when I get jealous.” The King said and after realizing what he said looked surprised, “It seems even I experience this emotion. You really are a unique human to make even I feel this way.”

You were astonished. You made the King jealous? You? Just what had you gotten yourself into… To have guys chasing you down is one thing but to have the King of the entire heavens chasing your heart, it didn’t even compare.

You didn’t know what would happen next. Would you really come to love the King. You couldn’t help but feel conflicted as you knew the gods had taken interest in you too. They were going to be heartbroken when they learn the King had stole you from under their very noses. From the start they never had a chance. There's no way they stood a chance against the King. And it seems you hadn't even noticed it at first but you were starting to fall for the King yourself… It wouldn't be long before your heart was his just as he hoped.

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