Smell- Huedhaut

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"Hmm...what is that?" You pointed to Huedhaut's hand. In it he was holding a tiny box wrapped in gorgeous blue wrapping.

"It's a present for you." Huedhaut smiled and handed you the box.

"For me?" You curiously stared at the little box in your hands, "Can I open it?"

"Of course. It is for you after all." Huedhaut chuckled.

You carefully opened it trying not to tear the beautiful wrapping paper. Inside was a tiny bottle filled with golden liquid. It shined brilliantly under the soft lighting.

"Is it perfume?" You asked as you intently stared at the bottle.

"Yes." Huedhaut nodded with a smile before grabbing the bottle from you.

"Huh." You looked at Huedhaut as he held the bottle. He brought it close to you and sprayed it several times. The cool, gentle mist completely enveloped you and a sweet scent filled your nostrils.

"Mmm. This smells heavenly." You closed your eyes taking in the smell. It made you feel oddly relaxed.

"It's a special perfume I got from the heavens. I thought it'd be perfect for you." Huedhaut said, bringing himself closer and wrapping an arm around your waist.

"Oh." You suddenly found yourself right up against his body and looking directly into his eyes.

"Right now you smell irresistible." Huedhaut voice was soft and husky, "Though you already were irresistible before wearing the perfume." His warm breath tickled your ear. You shuddered at the sensation.

"I'm going to show you just how much I love you tonight." He breathed pushing you back onto his bed and getting on top of you, "Again and again. I won't let you go tonight..." His lips then found yours and that was the start of very intimate night for the both of you.

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