Mistake- Ichthys

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He was besides himself with grief. Ichthys regretted ever letting it happen. Losing you was the worst mistake of his life. He loved you more deeply than you would ever know but instead of telling you how he really felt he pushed you away and hid his feelings behind a smile. You thought he never took anything seriously when he was more serious than you realize.

Ichthys was just scared. Scared to get hurt but in the end that fear caused him more pain than he could bear. If only he could go back and fix his mistakes; he would never let you go if given a second chance. Still any time you were around he would continue to smile and joke about. You thought he didn't care about you while remaining oblivious to the fact his demeanor was just a disguise to cover his broken heart. His true feelings.

You were torn inside. You had given your heart to Dui but deep down you still had feelings for Ichthys but thinking he didn't feel the same way troubled you. And Ichthys as much as he wish he could shout out his feelings to you he could never hurt his best friend. He knew Dui always had eyes for you and after he inadvertently pushed you away Dui filled the hole he left in your heart and a relationship bloomed before his eyes.

Ichthys didn't dare tell Dui what was on his mind nor tell you he really does love you. He couldn't fix mistake- the mistake of letting you go- instead he would have to live with this and regretting it for the rest of his life until his final breath and with his dying breath he would still be thinking of you and wishing for your happiness as he locked away his feelings in the depths of his heart.

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