Video Games- Ichthys

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"Ooh. What's this?"

You had just gone to the kitchen to make something to eat while Ichthys waited in the living room. Curiosity getting the better of him he took a little poke around and came across your gaming console.

"Okay. I'm back Icht- huh?" You stopped in your tracks when you found Ichthys with a controller in hand and staring intently at your tv.

He was playing a popular game called mario kart.

"Nooo! I lost again..." Ichthys whined after he came dead last in the race. "Oh, ___? I didn't see you there." He flashed you a smile, "You sure have some fun things but I can't seem to win in this game." He says with a pout.

"It just takes practice." You smile trying to cheer him up.

You sit yourself down next to Ichthys and tell him you'll play with him.

It was just the two of you without any other computer players so you could help Ichthys learn. You just took it easy and didn't try too hard as you focused more on Ichthys.

"Huh?" You were shocked to see Ichthys driving in the wrong direction. "Um, Ichthys. You need to turn your vehicle around."

"I do? Isn't this the right way?" Ichthys looked confused.

"No. You have been going the wrong way. You'll never finish the race that way." You gently explain it to him, "See that sign on your screen it means you are going the wrong way."

"Really? So that's what it means." Ichthys was full of curiosity as you explain the game, he was acting like a little boy.

"Hehe. No wonder you always came last place. Try to keep the right way on the track." You giggle and try the race again but Ichthys continues to have trouble staying in the right direction.

You didn't know how someone could play so badly. Just what was going through his head as he played? You were thankful Ichthys wasn't allowed to drive for real. You could just imagine the horrors he would wreak around town.

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