Seduced- Scorpio

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You had invited Scorpio over your place to spend the night. But little did he know what you had in store for him.

"Good. I think I'm all set."

You wore nothing but a singlet top with no bra and a very short pants with nothing on underneath. You planned on driving Scorpio crazy tonight.

"I'm here."


You jumped when you heard a voice come out of nowhere from behind you.

"Scorpio! Didn't I tell you to always knock first!" You rubbed your head and sighed.

"Does it matter as long as I'm here?" Scorpio huffed and looked like he was about to say more but stopped when he saw what you were wearing.

"Are you so poor you can't even dress properly?" Scorpio remarked, looking you over.

You puffed up your cheeks and were about to give a retort when you noticed how red his cheeks were and instead giggled.

I'm actually just feeling a little hot. I thought I'd take off my clothes." You grinned. You could see Scorpio was getting more flustered by the second.

"I even bought some popsicles. Want one?" You held one out to him but Scorpio didn't even notice as he kept staring at you.

You shrugged and began eating one by yourself. Slowly licking it in a seductive manner while looking at Scorpio with playful eyes.

"What the hell do you think you are doing? Are you trying to drive me crazy?" Scorpio furrowed his brows looking pretty bothered.

You smiled in satisfaction, "Exactly."

Scorpio was now scowling and marched straight up to you and grabbed your arms, "You play dirty. But if that's how you want to play," Scorpio leaned close to your ear, "I'll play even dirtier." And then pushed you against the wall and forcefully kissed you. He hungered for your lips, tasting you completely.

"You taste...sweet." He moaned in between kisses, softly nibbling your lips.

Your breaths grew ragged and eventually he pushed you on the bed.

"You dirty girl. You still want more I see. Fine. ...I'll give you more. I won't stop even if you begged me. This is your punishment for seducing me."

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