Stalked- Leon

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You sat on your bed too scared to move. You just realized you had a stalker and even worse they knew where you live. What if they came and attacked you in the middle of the night? The very thought sent shivers through your body.

You sat with your knees against your chest and buried your face against your legs. You were scared to death and didn't know what to do.

Just then, you heard what sounded like a banging sound from outside your room. Your whole body jerked in surprise and you broke out into a cold sweat. You were even too scared to go check the source of the noise.

You hoped whatever it was would just go away but instead you heard footsteps from beyond your door.
"They have come to get me?!" You started to panic and watched your door quietly, barely able to breathe.

The door handle suddenly started to turn and then it opened.

"Ahhh! Leave me alone!" You grabbed the nearest thing you could find and threw it at the intruder, which happened to be a thick book, amd hit them.square in the face.

"Ow. Why did you throw a book at me?!"

It was Leon who had entered your bedroom. He looked rather miffed as he rubbed his nose after being beaten up by a book.

"I'm sorry!" You rushed off your bed to check on him, looking extremely apologetic. You bowed several times feeling incredibly embarrassed you just assaulted your boyfriend.

"Would you tell me what's going on? I knocked on the door but you never answered so I let myself in but couldn't find you anywhere. And please explain it without throwing any more books." Leon was rather indignant about having been hit by a flying book.

You looked at Leon and started to tear up, "You see, the thing is...I happen to have a stalker."

Leon stopped holding his nose and instead looked at you with a mix of surprise and anger, "What? Well that explains the book. How dare someone stalk my girl." Leon looked furious.

"I'll see to it he is swiftly dealt with. So don't worry." Leon smiled kindly and pulled you to him, "No one will be getting to you long as I am around and any who try will be met by a very angry god."

You couldn't help but giggle a little by how he was acting and gave him a soft kiss on the cheek, "Thank you. I feel much safer now."

"Good. Because I won't allow you to be alone until I know you are absolutely safe from any danger." Leon gently stroked your cheek and lovingly ran a hand through your hair before giving you a kiss of his own. One that assured you that you would indeed be safe with him.

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