Leon And MC Making Up After A Fight

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"Fine! I'm leaving!" You screamed, running towards the front door and then slamming it behind you. It was unsightly of you to act in such a manor before the other gods but Leon had you so fuming mad that you didn't care.

'Jerk. Moron... Idiot.' You called him many names as you stomped away from the house of the gods.

Finally returning home you yanked open your door and threw yourself onto your bed. It was then that you started to cry.

"Why... I didn't want it to go this way. Why doesn't he ever listen?" With a clenched fist you brought it down upon your mattress as tears streamed down your cheeks.

You just laid there helplessly, looking back over what happened. It only incited more tears. You regretted how you acted. You felt ashamed. But Leon was so intolerable that you completely lost it.

"Who does he think he is? He can't just tell me what to do... That jerk." You breathed out deeply and closed your eyes. You couldn't believe this all happened just because you shared your meatballs with the other gods. Leon acted so childishly about it and started treating you unkindly that you lost it.

You never expected that you would be seen by all the other gods screaming at him... It might give them all a bad image of your relationship with Leon.

You sighed, slightly calmer now, "Still he is an idiot. Hmmph."

"Who you calling an idiot?"

You jumped at the sound of the familiar voice, "Huh?" You wildly turned your head around and saw Leon walking towards you from the balcony.

You were surprised to see him in your room, "Leon... I-I don't want to see you right now." You slightly stuttered, folding your arms you turned away.

"Oh-ho, then why do I get the feeling you want to see me?" He smugly responded, inching closer.

You started to get off your bed, "Don't be stupid. I want no such- Ahh!" Just as you stood up, Leon grabbed you by the wrists and faced you towards him by the chin.

"It's written all over your face. Don't deny it. You can't fool a god." His teasing breath against your skin made you grow hot.

You continued to resist though but it was no use, he was too powerful.

You slumped in his hold, looking very indignant when the next words took you by surprise.

"I'm sorry..."

"What?" Your head snapped up, there in front of you was Leon looking apologetic. It was a rare sight to see.

"Just as I said. I'm sorry for how I acted." Leon truly looked sorry for what happened, he looked meek before you. "...Don't make me say it again." He huffed, now back to his usual self.

"Leon... I'm sorry too."

"I know one way we can make up for it." A wicked smirk flashed across his face. He looked towards the bed and back up at you.

"Ahhh!" In an instant Leon had pushed you onto the bed and got on top of you.

"I'll spend all night making it up to you. Allow me to give you all my love." He moaned against your ear. You flinched under his touch and soon gave yourself over to him. The night would be a passion filled one indeed.

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